Chapter 47: Today*

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Kelly's Place housed around 30 drunks before closing. Out of those 30 drunks, only 23 paid, which meant that the other 7 had a tab so big that it could pay for the rent of the building.

But those 7 didn't pay their tabs. So, when my paycheck was finally laid in my hand in all amounts, I officially bought the bar for Matthew. He doesn't have to worry about losing his family business any longer or shifty loan sharks.

Then, I gave Sasha enough money to do whatever she wanted. Whether it was continuing with her dream of being a stylist or becoming a hairdresser, I wished her luck and promised to be her #1 supporter.

After that, I sat down Lauren. Before becoming my assistant, she was in college. Her parents don't know that she dropped out; she didn't want to disappoint them. Yet, I told her, she doesn't need her parent's validation. If she wanted to continue her schooling, then she should. And she will. I paid for her college as well as an apartment for her and Cass to live in. They decided it was best if they stayed together.

Next was Quinn. I had already told him he was old enough to have things on his own, so I bought him an apartment, paid the rent for the first few months. Then, Matt hired him at the bar because the only waitress he had (Sasha) quit when someone (me) sent her a mysteriously large amount of money.

With $25.7 million left, I bought Randall an apartment closer to his family. Then, I had him join AA meetings because getting sober is hard, but it came to be easier with people going through the same thing. With the rest of the money, I saved it. For a rainy day, of course.

I woke up before everyone else did. My brain pounded against my skull, begging me to lay back down.  Chris and stayed up to celebrate our earnings and the movie's success. I was a lightweight, and I should have just stayed with one or two beers. I don't know why I didn't learn my lesson after Daniel's party.

Chris was still snoring lightly beside me, running his hands across the soft sheets until he found my hand. I let him squeeze it before pulling away from him. Then, I placed on a lounge outfit to go downstairs.

I walked into Quinn's room, seeing him stir in his bed before settling on his side

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I walked into Quinn's room, seeing him stir in his bed before settling on his side. I closed his door and walked door stairs to see the dogs were already eating. Chris, being the parent he was, decided to build an automatic dog food dispenser.

I refilled their water tanks and opened the doors for them to go outside. Then, I walked back into the kitchen, bringing out pots and pans to cure my headache. I needed something on my stomach. It didn't matter what. Yet, more importantly, today was Valentine's Day, and I wanted to surprise Chris in bed with breakfast.

I decided on making breakfast for everyone, egg, pancakes, and sausage. I scrambled the eggs in a bowl and took out the sausages to fry. Zeus and Dodger came running back in, sitting by the doorframe. I threw two sausages their way and watched as they scurried to eat them.

"You're cleaning up their mess." I looked up at Chris. His hair was a mess on his head and his beard with not any better. He kissed my cheek, turning on the coffee machine.

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