Chapter 12: Mondays...

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I pulled on set at 4 a.m., and it was already busy. Most people were scurrying around on set when I walked to my trailer with Alexandria by my side. She was my new manager, and so far, she was one of the best ones I've had. She understood me and the way I act, which was what I needed.

"You and Veronica will shoot first, and then you and Y/N will shoot," She placed her things on the table, "Which reminds me: the photoshoot looked amazing." I smiled and thanked her. I sat on the trailer's bed and laid back. I was beyond tired, but my duty calls me. "When does Taika wants me on set?" I asked.

"Well, you're supposed to be in hair and make-up with Y/N right now." Alexandria kicked my leg and chuckled. Quickly, I leaned up and looked at her. "When did she get here?" She humped her shoulders and walked out.

I took off my jacket and followed her into a trailer that was next to the set. Standing outside, I could laughter of women, and I could immediately point out Y/N's. I smiled to myself and waved goodbye to Alexandria. I opened the door. The women turned around and faced me. I waved, "Hi, everyone." I made eye contact with Y/N, but she looked back down at her phone.

"I can get you here, Mr. Evans," A young woman came up to me. Then, she started wetting my hair and brushing it. I leaned back in the chair and glanced over at Y/N. The hairstylist curled her hair outwards as she continued to text on her phone.

I decided to mess with her

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I decided to mess with her. "Hey, Y/N." I waved at her. She glanced my way, mumbled "Hey."

"How did your date go last night?" I asked with a smile, but I hoped she said it was terrible. "It was amazing actually. I can't wait for our date tonight." She grinned. I sat up in my seat and looked at her. "A second date? This early," I mumbled. "He must be a charmer."

"Better than most." She looked at me with a smirk. I nodded and pulled out my phone, trying to look busy but I just found myself looking back at her. She texted way on her phone, but I didn't couldn't see what she was saying, or who she was sending it to. I snuck a picture of her, looking gorgeous of course, and I posted it on Twitter, saying, "Me and my new best friend hanging out on set." I waited a few minutes, watching her face light up.

"Chris!" She yelled and threw an empty water bottle at me. I threw it back and laugh. "This isn't cute. Delete it." She mumbled. "I don't know," I snapped another picture of her. "You looked cute to me." She covered her face until I stopped taking pictures. At some point, all of these will be on the internet, and she'll hate me. I smiled to myself. "Take it down, asshole." I shook my head, posting another one of her sulking saying, "Monday blues." I mentioned her in it. Then, like before, she threw the water bottle at me. "I hate you so much."

The trailer door opened, and I looked in the mirror to see who it was. It was Collins. "Morning, ladies." He said. I looked down at my phone, blankly reading the replies to my tweets.

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