Chapter 15: Making Headlines Again

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I rolled over in bed, kicking my legs over it and sighing. I turned off my alarm and stood, but I immediately winced. My legs and back were so sore. I groaned as I tried to make my way to the bathroom and wash my face, but I couldn't even stand properly.

The doorway creaked as Chris took in it. He smiled as I caught his eye. "You looked so peaceful in your sleep. I didn't want to wake you up." He came by my side with Advil and water. He placed them on the nightstand and sat me down.  I grabbed the Advil, popping two and down the water.

"Why are you up so early?" I mumbled, standing again and walking to the bathroom. Then, I noticed I was in Chris's shirt. I stripped and threw it back in the room at him. He grabbed it was one hand and put it back on. I placed on my robe.

"I made breakfast," Chris opened the door, "You're welcome." He smirked as he leaned on the sink. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. Chris watched my every move, commenting here and there. Eventually, I looked at him and said, "Why did you stay? You would have been better if you just left."

"Well, I wouldn't be here in the first place if you haven't sent the photo." Chris argued back. I glared at him. "I wasn't trying to send it to you. I thought I was sending it to Collins." I tried to walk out of the bathroom, but Chris nudged me backward.

"I thought you said you didn't send it to him." Chris mumbled, blocking the exit was his broad shoulders. I rolled my eyes and tried to push past him again, but Chris lifted me, sat me on the counter, and stood between my legs. I tried to look everywhere else, but Chris pulled me by my chin to look at him. His other hand wrapped around my waist.

"Why do you care?" I mumbled. "It probably meant nothing to you. Just like the kiss meant nothing." I confessed, but I instantly regretted it when he glanced up at me with knowing eyes. I bit my lip and leaned back on the counter.

"So, you're angry over the kiss? Y/N, don't tell me you go with Collins because of the kiss between us?"

And now, hearing it out loud, I think I did get with Collins because of it. I was angry at Chris because he said it meant nothing, and I thought that I could make him jealous if he saw me with Collins. Now, I got myself in a fucking mess with no clear way out.

I bit my bottom lip again and sighed, "You said it meant nothing. So, what was I supposed to do?" I shook my head, and I tried to move away from Chris, but he pulled me back to my spot. "I only said that because I didn't want you to worry about it. Plus, I wasn't thinking when I did it. It just felt right."

"Well, you sending mixed signals after it didn't help. Licking my ice cream seductively, posting pictures of me, constantly asking if Collins and I were a serious thing. If the kiss didn't mean something, then you weren't acting like it."

"It did mean something," Chris frowned, "Since the day we met, I've been thinking about it. The first time I went to the bar with you, it took everything in me not to kiss you then." Chris frowned. "Did you not notice how I was making a big deal about you and Matt? I wanted to know if you two weren't dating, so I can make my move."

I shook my head, "Well, if you hadn't been so confusing, maybe we could've been something." I pushed away from him again. He smirked over her shoulder.

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