Chapter 33: Chris Evan's Girlfriend

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When my phone began ringing, I had barely gotten up, so I did not even try to see who it was.

"Hello," I replied raspily. "Y/N?" Q voice rang through my ears. As I rose from the bed, I stretched. "Are you still in New Orleans?"

I yawned, "Yeah, what's up?" I stood from the bed and walked into the bathroom, deciding to get dressed. "Grandma was talking about cooking today, so she asked if you could come down."

"Oh, hell. Can you give it to her?" Q hummed before handing the phone to Mama LeBlanc. Then, Mama LeBlanc was asking where I was. "I'm still here, but a couple of friends and I were planning on getting breakfast somewhere."

She laughed, "Girl, it's no problem for me to feed people. Come over." Mama LeBlanc said. "Yes ma'am. I'll be there in a bit." After I hung up the phone, I called Cass, trying to wake her up. "It's nine in the morning, girl," she answered.

"Let's go to Mama LeBlanc for dinner. Get up, lazy ass!" It sounded like she jumped up, "Oh, I haven't seen that woman in a while. We are getting dressed now." She hung up the phone. I chuckled to myself as I finished brushing my teeth and washing my face.

I definitely had a headache. Chris is completely to blame for me not needing another beer until next year. He kept pouring, and I kept drinking. As on cue, he texted me asking if I could unlock my door. I opened my door and stepped back into my bathroom after nodding to myself. The door then opened.

"Morning, beautiful," Chris mumbled, laying a kiss on my cheek. I smiled over at him, "Morning." I turned off the light in the bathroom and began didn't through my bags for an outfit.

"What's the plans for our last day here?" Chris asked, laying across my bed on his stomach and looking at me. "Well, me and the girls was going to visit my old neighbor. She cooking breakfast for us."

"Damn, I didn't get an invite?" He asked, placing a hand on his chest. I rolled my eyes, "I figured y'all men wouldn't want to go."

"Well, we do," He chuckled and pulled up a red lingerie set, "Who was this for?" Chris asked. I snatched it from his hand, throwing it back into my bag. "Nobody." I mumbled, trying to bury it under my clothes, but he dugged it back out.

"This kinda looks like the set you wore for me that night. You know, when you sent me that nude." He smirked, setting it to the side.

I winced, remember how embarrassing it was. "Please say that you deleted it." He nodded with a hand on his heart, "That next morning I deleted it." I nodded and stood with the outfit I was going to wear.

Chris turned over and pulled out his phone. Then, I changed clothes and placed on some shoes.

"Matt found this private club

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"Matt found this private club. Do you want to go later tonight?" Chris asked, moving his phone to the side to look at me. I nodded, "Sure, it's our last night here, so let's do it."
Finally, we made it to Mama LeBlanc's house after Anthony argued me down about me driving. As he stopped the car, I said, "Look, Mama LeBlanc says it how it is. Sometimes she says some outrageous stuff, so please do not pay her any attention."

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