Chapter 44: Moving On*

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so sorry for the slow updates. my exams have been kicking my ass/better chapters coming soon - a


Chris closed my car door with a smile. I looked at him, "How do I look?"

"If we weren't in public, I would kiss the shit out of you." I sighed and smiled. Chris grabbed my hand as we walk up to the courthouse. I let out a breath, "Did you book our flights?" Chris nodded. "And gave Anthony to keys to the house?"

"Honey," Chris turned to me. "Let's worry about one thing at a time." I nodded again and walked into the courthouse. Denise and Trevon sat, talking to Mama LeBlanc's lawyer. When she made eyes with me, she stood. I walked past her and looked at the lawyer. "I'm ready when you are."

The lawyer nodded and gestured for us to follow her into the room. "Let's just start this off by saying: this signing is very important. If you," She pointed to me, "And your mother cannot agree, Quinn LeBlanc will be given to his respected parents."

"It's fine, Taylor," Denise smiled, "I'm sure my daughter will come to her senses." I let out a small laugh, "Can we begin now?"

The lawyer nodded, moving papers around her desk. "Y/N, do you have a stable income? If not, are you planning to get a job?"

"I do. I co-own a bar, and I'm a working actress." The lawyer nodded, turning to Denise waiting for her answer, "I don't work. Trevon does offshore jobs."

"How long has it sense you've been offshore?" Trevon cleared his throat, "I'm currently looking for another job."

"So unemployed." The lawyer marked something off on the clipboard. Denise sighed and swallowed as the lawyer turned to her, "Why do you think your child shouldn't have her brother?"

"Y/N is not ready for parenthood. She thinks she is because she had to prove herself. She's been doing it her whole life," I gripped Chris' hand, "She wants to prove she is better than me."


"My brother deserves to be with someone who exactly cares for him. He deserves a real family."

Trevon barged in, "We aren't a real family? Girl, whatever you and this white man think you have isn't a family. Denise and I are what Quinn needs."

"Then, where were you when Quinn was grieving?" Chris asked, loosening his tie. "Or when he needed money to eat? Y/N were there when he was walking around the neighborhood with a hole in his shoe. If you wanted to be his parents so bad, where were you?" I don't even remember telling Chris that stuff. I didn't even think he was listening to me.

"We thought Mama LeBlanc was taking care of him," Denise said, but it said more like a question. "Maybe if you didn't leave in the first place, he wouldn't be in this situation." Chris finished.

The lawyer sighed, rubbing her eyes. She looked between my mom and me before standing and giving a file to my mom.

She opened it with a smile. She pulled out some papers, read them, and then she frowned. "What the hell is this?" She asked.

"This is your parental rights. Send it, and Quinn will be free from your control." My eyes widen. Checkmate, bitch.

The lawyer continued when Denise didn't say anything, "It's clear you see Quinn as a trophy child. You didn't want him when he was staying with Mama LeBlanc, although you knew his state of living. You want him because Y/N wants him. Now, please sign these documents. I have another client coming in soon."

"So, does this mean I'm Quinn's legal guardian?" The lawyer nodded with a small smile, "Yes, as soon as she signs it."

Denise nodded slowly. I handed her the pen to be petty. She took it, still looking down at the paper, "Can I still have visitation?"

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