Chapter 9: The Photoshoot and A Date

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As soon as my hair and makeup were finished, I put on the new outfit. Ruthie dressed like she was a sugar baby, so I knew that she was going to give me something elegant yet sexy, and she didn't disappoint.

I placed on the jewelry and heels, taking out my photo

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I placed on the jewelry and heels, taking out my photo. I took a couple of pictures to post on Instagram. I sent one to Sasha to get her opinion. Within seconds, she texted, "Serving body!! As you should!!" I smiled and put away my phone.

Someone knocked on the door. I fixed my hair and opened it to see Chris. Honestly, he looked fine in his suit. Black was his color. It made him stand out a lot more than it should, but to be honest, this man can wear a plastic bag and make it look good.

He looked down at my dress, and I could feel his eyes linger on my boobs. He cleared his throat and looked away. "They're ready for us." He mumbled before taking my hand. I closed the door behind me and took his hand. It was rough, but it also had a type of softness to it. He led me to the set where it was an interchangeable background, shifting from black to red.

"There is she. How gorgeous she looks." The photographer said. I smiled and stood in front of the camera. He gave me pointers about poses, placements of hands, or how to give off a confident vibe. By the time we finished, I had taken about 30 pictures, and I was working up a sweat.

It was Chris's turn, and he looked like an angel.

He even insisted on showing tattoos

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He even insisted on showing tattoos.

He had more practice than I had, but he just fell into motion

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He had more practice than I had, but he just fell into motion. I was kind of jealous. After his pictures, he ran to the camera, giggling like a kid in a candy store. He gave some intake and pulled me into him. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Let's do some together." Before I could protest, I sat in a chair opposite Chris, who kneed in front of me. He started up at me with a smirk. The camera flashed as I tried my best to act normal, but the way he stared at me was like looking at lightning. Too beautiful to look away.

"Y/N, can you cross your legs in front of Chris for me?" I nodded and did the motion. He caught the picture while I was switching legs. I looked back down at Chris, who somehow stole a marker. He opened it, placing the top in his mouth.

"May I?" He asked, placing the marker closer to my skin. I shook my head, "You're like a child." I mumbled before nodded and letting him draw Xs and Os through my fishnets. The camera flashed a couple of times, so I decided to pause for the camera while Chris finished. I placed my left leg farther out, and I leaned forward. Chris glanced up at me quickly. He was eye level with my boobs and now I feel bad because I don't want it to come off bad.

He looked at me and down again. The photographer placed down the camera and beckon us over. Chris stood and gave me his hand. I offered it and stood from my seat. I walked to the camera, looking at the pictures he got of us being dumb, but they turned out amazing.

My personal favorite, however, is the one where Chris is drawing on me.

(imagine that this a black woman cause it's hard to find good interracial photoshoots)

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(imagine that this a black woman cause it's hard to find good interracial photoshoots)


As I stumbled back to my room, Collins stopped, "I thought you went home." I asked as I slipped out of these heels. The balls of my feet ached. The shoes were pretty, but there were too tight and too small. "I did for a while, but I have my photoshoot with Veronica today."

"Good luck, she's in a bitch mood," I mumbled. He laughed. Collins and I were collectively receiving remarks and bad looks from Veronica. "Plus, she's riding on the high of her new fanbase." I walked to the dressing room and waited for Collins. He leaned against the doorframe while I sat on the couch, letting out a deep breath. I was exhausted from today, yet I still had to go to work because Sasha and Sean got a date.

"Can I take you out for a birthday dinner?" Collins asked out of nowhere. I turned and looked at him, and he smiled at me. "Don't worry. I'll have you back before midnight."

I shook my head, "I'm sorry. I have work tonight." Collins shook his head. "Then, I'll take you out another day. Just let me know when you're free." I nodded. He swayed his way over to the couch, planting a kiss on my cheek and saying. "It's a date."

He walked back to the door, but he stopped short at the presence of Chris. They looked at each other before saying their goodbyes. I stood to close the door, but I caught eyes with Chris. "You two will look good together." He mumbled in a tone I haven't heard from him yet. Placing his hands on the doorframe, he leaned into the room. I stared at him. "It's just a dinner date. Don't jump to conclusions."

"If I remember correctly, you still owe me a dinner date." Chris mumbled and looked at me with his eyes low. I rolled mine and let go of a breath I didn't realize I had. He did the same.

"I took you to the bar."

"No, I want dinner. You, me, a fancy restaurant that serves wine that no one can pronounce right." Chris looked me over, and I nodded, "Sure, but I'm not paying."

I closed the door and turned around. I laid my head on the door.

How the hell did I get two dates in one day? Better yet: How did I get a date with Chris Evans?

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