Chapter 24: The Night Before & The Morning After*

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I managed to escape the party without anyone noticing. Immediately, I got in my car and left, texting the address to Chris. I was way too excited and tried to calm myself down, but the thought of him ruining me was enticing and I wanted it.

Without getting a ticket, I managed to speed home and a little, tidying up the room. I picked up my clothes and throwing them into the closet. I freshened up and finished my hair. By the time, I finished Chris was knocking at the door. "You're early," I mumbled, opening the door wider. He walked into the house, placing his things on my counter.

I twirled a strand of hair between my fingers and watched as he looked me up and down. "And you're nervous." He strutted over to me with a lopsided grin. Then, he snaked around my waist, placing his hand on my lower back. I glanced at him before he placed his lips on my mine. He gripped my butt while we kissed passionately. He tasted like beer, but I didn't mind. He was making up for it. Suddenly. he pulled away.

"Where's your room?" I took his hand in mine and walked us to the room. Without hesitation, I was pushed on the bed. I snapped up to Chris and laid down onto of my me. He kissed my neck before untying my shirt. "You looked stunning in this tonight," He ripped off the skirt, causing a squeal from me, "Unfortunately, you won't need it anymore."

"Do you do this with all the girls? Teasing?" I question, trying to sit up straight, but Chris pushed me back down. "Oh, you're the only one. Let me prove it to you." I was pushed down again. Chris starting taking off his shirt, exposing his tattoos. I traced each other with my eyes, and God, they looked good. He chuckled and put on a condom.

Immediately, I gasped as I felt him at my entrance. Something I won't get used to. I grind my hips forward, trying to get him to move some, but he moved back, looking me dead in the eyes. "Turn over." I nodded and laid on my stomach. He grabbed my hips, pulling me upwards until I was on my hands and knees.

Then, he slammed in me. I gasped loudly as he pulled out. "A warning, Chris!" I said, trying to adjust, but I couldn't. He was too big. Bigger than anyone else I've been with.

He thrust in me again, pulling out slowly, "Warning." Chris grunted. I sighed and rocked my hips backward and forward, keeping the momentum. "Fuck," I moaned, "Move. Please."

When he did, Chris didn't take any time speeding up, pounding in me harder every time. He settled deep inside of me, walls clenching around his dick. He groaned as he gripped my ass, pulling me all the back. I threw my head back as he picked up the speed again, placing a hand on my stomach. He leaned down on my back. His gold chain sent a chill through my body as it hit my back.

"Fuck, baby, fuck yes just like that." His words echo in my ears before I feel the pressure building in my lower stomach. "Feel that? I'm right here." He grunted in my ear while holding his hand on my stomach. I gripped the sheets. I tried to push off of him, feeling like all the nerves in my body were going to explode.

Swiftly, Chris moved away. I groaned and looked at him. Before I could say anything, he said, "Shut up before I ruin that pretty mouth, Y/N." I stared at him, daringly. He flipped me over so that my back was on the bed. He placed himself back in me, moving at the same pace as before.

I placed my hands on his back while he looked down at what he was doing. "Fuck, you feel so." I moaned louder and dig my nails into his back. "He groaned in my ear, then kissed my lips harder than before. I tried to focus on him, but I could feel pressure in my stomach building again, "Chris, I cant." I tried to speak, but I could only pant and moan.

He nodded, understanding me, and picked up the pace. He pushed into me harder and faster until sweat beads started to form on both of us. His gold chain dangle above my face ad he fucked me.

"Wanna see you come for me," he smirks, his thrusts getting harsher before I feel myself giving in to my orgasm. My body shakes as my mouth falls open, his name a breathy moan before I feel his hips stuttering. He sounds exhausted after he spills inside of me, tumbling on top of me as I'm left with nothing to do.

I sighed one more time before standing up. My legs gave out immediately. I fell back on the bed and looked over at Chris while he smirked. "Aint shit funny, Chris."

"Oh, I find this hilarious." I flipped him off and went looking for a shirt to put on. "You can wear mine," Chris mumbled, handing it to me after I gave up looking. I hesitated before grabbing the shirt. I put it on and crawl back into the bed.

Chris, after put on underwear, wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into him. I laid my head in the crook of his neck. He ran his finger through my hair, curling it in his fingers.


I sat down two plates of eggs, bacon, and pancakes on the table while Chris pours our coffee. "Do you want some milk in your coffee?" Chris asked. I nodded and sat down in one of the chairs. Chris sat across from me, tearing into his breakfast.

"What are you doing today?" He asked. "I'm going to the beach with my friends."

"Oh, am I not invited?" He glanced up at me with a smile. I shook my head and stood from the table, "Do you want to see my outfit though?" He blinked at me before nodding. I walked off to my room, trying to find the outfit. I put it on and yelled to Chris, "Close your eyes!" I heard him sighed. "I'm ready."

I walked out, "You can open them now."

Chris smirked, "I can see your nipples

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Chris smirked, "I can see your nipples." He opened his mouth slightly as I turned to see myself in the mirror.

I looked back at him, "It's not like you haven't seen them before

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I looked back at him, "It's not like you haven't seen them before."

"I just don't want you to be showing anyone... all of that." I rolled my eyes and walked up to him. "Don't worry about who's looking at me. Just know you're the only one that's getting it." I smirked at him.

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