Chapter 18: The F(l)ight

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I'll try.

I'll try.

I lied. I wouldn't try at all, because before I stepped out of Chris's car last night, I already made up my mind. I wanted to be with someone genuine and not pretend to like me for the cameras. I could look at Chris and see that he wasn't faking. What would he fake it for? He was already famous and rich. Why would he need to fake his feelings?

The next morning, I woke up at 7 a.m., and I made myself breakfast, which became making breakfast for Cass, Sasha, and Matt. They argued on my couch as I made their plates. "Come eat," I called out to them. "And don't waste anything 'cause I'm not cleaning up after you."

"So, how was your date, Y/N?" Matt asked, smirking. I squinted at him. "You in grown folks' business? Don't do that."

"I am grown. Now, answer the question." He turned to me. Matt bit his lip and raised his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes, "I had fun. He cooked, and we joked around. Then, we danced, and he dropped me off." I confessed while Cass watched with her mouth open.

"I still can't believe you're seeing Chris Evans. Girl, do you know how many people would kill to be in your place?" Cass asked. "Now, all you got to do is get rid of Collins," Sasha added. "Which is easier said than done."

"What do you mean?" I asked, sitting on Sasha's lap and eating off of Matt's plate. "Collin's look and act like a daddy's boy. If he doesn't get what he wants, he throws tantrums and tries to make your life a living hell." Matt swatted my hand away from his plate. I rolled my eyes and continued to steal his pancakes. "Well, he can't trick me into it no longer. I'm done." I mumbled.

My flight leaves at 10 a.m., so I got dressed and cleaned the kitchen.

Then, I turned off all the appliances and gave an extra key to Matt

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Then, I turned off all the appliances and gave an extra key to Matt. Next, he, Sasha, and Cass drove me to the airport. "Don't do anything stupid either. No one-night stands, or getting drunk without us." Sasha pulled me into a hug. I nodded and squished her tighter.

Cass broke in between us, "I just got here, and you're already leaving." She pouted her lips, "Promise to make it up to me?"

I nodded and smiled, "I'm only leaving for 4 months." I pulled away and looked at Matt. He walked over to me, "I don't know how I'm supposed to watch them and take care of the bar without you." He pulled me into a hug. I melted into it, "I'll be back. Don't worry."

"Y/N!" I turned to see Collins strutting over to us. I looked back at the group with wide eyes they immediately looked at me. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "We'll be over before I get back." I smiled and grabbed my bags. Then, Collins wrapped an arm around me. "Hey guys," He mumbled. He kissed my forehead, "We should leave. Everyone's waiting." I nodded and mumbled goodbye one last time to my family.

I struggled with the bags as we rounded the corner. "Hey, Collins," Veronica called out to him. "Can you help me with my bags? They're so heavy." Collins left my side within 2 seconds. I looked at him upside his head and sighed. Well, fuck him then. I walked over to one of the seats and sat down. Ruthie walked over to me with Lauren by her side.

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