Chapter 29: The Drama Continues*

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"Wake up, Y/N," Chris snudged my should while I played sleep. I shook my head and moaned, "I'm so tired." Chris laughed and placed his hands on my tickling them until I jumped awake. I laughed and pushed him away from me until we were on the opposite ends of the couch. He laughed and ran a hand through his hair.

"I'm sorry, but this movie is boring." I groaned. Chris smacked his lips at me, "It's starting. All you heard was the intro music." He rolled his eyes and turned back to the Tv, crossing his arms. I sighed and scooted back to him, not getting too close.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier played on the screen. Somehow, he convinced me to stay up late for him. We made it through the first movie without any hiccups up, but after he went own I the ice, I was angry. He could have easily jumped out of the plane, and they could have found him. Chris insisted that I didn't question.

I placed my head on Chris's shoulder, watching as his character, Steve, ran beside Sam. Then, it cut to Sam sitting on the ground. "Why the hell is your shirt so small?"

"Look, you worrying about the wrong things." He mumbled, "How about this? I'll quiz you at the end of the movie. If you get all 5/6 questions right, I'll take you out for dinner." I pretended to think about it. Then, I nodded, adding to the prize, "And you have to take me skating like you promised that one time."

"I never promised to take you skating." I nodded, "Yeah, but still." Chris grinned and then nodded. We shook hands. I sat back on the couch, eyes glued to the TV, but after a while, I grew angry. Steve dragged Sam into his problems, and now he getting shot at. Couldn't be me. I would have simply closed my door.

Then, the last scene played where Steve woke up in the hospital. I stretched reached for the remote to turn the TV off. "Are you ready for your quiz?" Chirs mumbled. I nodded, knowing I was bound to get everything right.

He pulled me onto his lap, facing away from him. Then, I heard him unbuckle his belt. I turned around quickly. "What are you doing?"

"I'm making sure you played attention." He kissed my shoulder with a smile. "By sticking your dick in me?" I asked. He nodded, "It's gonna make it harder for you to remember the movies. Plus the questions as easy."

"Your logic makes no sense," I mumbled until I felt his fingers swipe at my panties. I inhaled and turned back around. "The first question," He pulled my panties to the side, letting the call air brush against my pussy. I closed my eyes as he placed a finger at the entrance, barely moving. He leaned in closer, "What did Nat say she was looking for?"

"A fossil," I answered quickly. He nodded against my skin and slipped his finger inside of me. I licked my lips as he soon added another finger, pulling out of me for a second before pushing back in. "Good girl."

"What language did Bucky speak on the bridge?" I swallowed hard and tried to remember, but I probably wasn't when listening. So, I made up something. "He wasn't speaking on the br-"

"Wrong," Chris mumbled, placing a hand on my neck and pulling back until my back was on his chest. His fingers were still deep in me, not moving, so I rolled my hips to cause some friction, but Chris tightens the grip around my neck, "Careful, you have to get the answer right for me to fuck you. Now, where did Steve hide that flash drive?"

My eyes rolled to the back of my head as Chris placed his thumb on my clit, moving in a circular motion. "Speak up, baby."

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