Chapter 13: Making Headlines

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For the past four days. I've been waking up at 4 am and standing in front of a camera. I love this job, but it gets tiring. I would have at least thought the excitement would last for a while. Not to mention, Chris has been working my last nerve. I already had Veronica breathing down my neck, so I didn't need him. Whenever Collins and I did a scene together, I could feel Chris watching me, burning holes in the back of my head. I couldn't look at Collins without him saying something.

Today, I had a day off, and I just wanted to lay in, but I promised Matt and Sasha I would stop by the bar. I placed on a lounge outfit,

 I placed on a lounge outfit,

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and I grabbed my keys. I headed out the door and got in my car. Immediately, my phone ring. Seeing it was Ruthie, I picked it up. "Hello?"

"Hey," She sounded happy. "I was just calling to make sure you were resting."

"Yeah. I'm fine. I was just going to visit Matt and Sasha at the bar." Ruthie hummed, "Ok, but make sure you're well rest for Monday." I replied with an ok and hung up the phone. Within a couple of minutes, I pulled into the bar parking lot. I walked inside.

Matt and Sasha were already serving drinks. Sean was nowhere to be seen, and Randall sat in the corner with his head down. I placed my things next to him, and I walked behind the bar. Sasha grinned at me, "There's my baby." She hugged me and kissed my cheek.

Matt was next. He threw the towel over his shoulder and sat down a glass. "Don't pretend like you were working." I said as he pulled me into a hug. We rocked to the side before he let go. "If I don't work, we won't have any business around here."

I laughed and walked back over to Randall's table. He raised his head with a smile. "Well, I'll be damn. She didn't forget about us." I laughed and hugged him. "How could I forget my family?"

"Y/N," Matt called out to me. "Is that my shirt?"

I looked down at it. "I don't know. I think I bought this." I lied.

"I think you lying," I smirked and sat down. Sean came from the back with a tub of glasses. He leaned again the door, looking at me. "Hey, Y/N." He mumbled. I waved at him. "Matt, where can I put this?"

I stood up. "I can take it. I know why it goes."

"Nope," Sasha said. "Sit your ass down. You've worked enough." She took the glasses from him and placed them on the shelf. "So, how are you and that man going?" Randall asked.

"It's going good. He gave me flowers the other day, and then he took me skating."

"Two dates already. Damn you must really like this Chris guy." I made a face at Randall and shook my head quickly. "I meant Collins. I'm don't like Chris."

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