Chapter 22: New Opportunities

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After filming, I went home and started to get ready for my dinner with my team. While doing my hair, Sasha facetimed me. I answered, "What's up, hooker?" I placed on my shirt and checked in the mirror at my outfit.

 I answered, "What's up, hooker?" I placed on my shirt and checked in the mirror at my outfit

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Sasha rolled at eyes, "Nothing much. What are you getting ready for?" I pulled my hair back and picked up the phone, taking it into the other room. "I have a meeting tonight. What are y'all doing?"

"Nothing much. Matt and Cass are closing the bar, and Sean's somewhere." I blinked at her. "You're telling me you let the biggest hoe loose in California? Girl, you got a lot of faith in this one." I mumbled while she flipped me off, "I don't. He's been sleeping in a hotel for the last few nights." I gasped, "Why? What'd I miss?"

"The same thing that happened last time. He acts like he single, so he gonna be single. Plus, he still acting like he doesn't claim me for 5 years. He can move around with all that." I nodded and smirked, "Now, you can work on your other relationship." Sasha shook her head, "I don't know what you talking about, Y/N. I'm single."

I rolled my eyes, "Single my ass. You and Matt, hoe. Don't act dumb."

"Don't worry about," She laughed, "What about you, Collins, and Chris? I read somewhere that you and Collins were Hollywood's best couple. Little do they know, you walk around here with Chris Evan's hickeys on your neck."

My eyes widened, "Sasha, I hope you alone. Don't say stuff like that out loud." She said, "I'm alone. So, tell me what happened with Collins." I nodded, forgetting that I texted her yesterday night about everything.

"So, Veronica pushed me, and I pushed her ass back. Then, Collins came in, yelling at me even though he only saw one side of the situation. I got mad and left. So, when I texted you about it, I texted him and told him that I was done until he figured out who he wanted." I caught my breath as Sasha nodded, "All that day, he was treating Veronica like she was the girlfriend."

"Collins just seems sneaky from the moment I met him. He just like that type that fucks over someone." Sasha added. I nodded and continued, "Today, he had some roses left in my trailer with some cheap chocolate. I gave Chris the candy and threw the flowers away. I told him I was done, and he was trying to apologize and shit, but I wasn't listening."

Sasha laughed, "So, when are y'all gonna announce that you broke up?" I shook my head, "I don't even know. I have to tell Ruthie about it and all that." She nodded. Then, a door closed from behind her. Matt appeared on the camera. "Hey, best friend!" He yelled. I laughed, "Hey, baby."

"We miss you. Come back." I rolled my eyes, "Do you want me to come back because that means I have to quit my job too." He closed his eyes tightly, thinking, "Then, you can stay. How's everything?"

"It's good. Chris tried to kill me earlier today." I joked, "He was gonna throw me off a ledge without a harness." Matt laughed, "Yeah, I saw your tweet. He should have done it. How the hell you scared of heights, but you fly a lot?"

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