Chapter 23: Party

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I made it to Mary Alice's set within an hour or so. Ruthie and Lauren walked me to the hair and makeup. One of the hairdressers sat me down and started doing my hair.

"Did y'all get invited to Collin's party today?" I asked. Lauren nodded, "I did, but I can't go. I have to work tonight." I looked over at Ruthie, who shot me a quick look, and then nodded. "She can go." I smiled and looked over at Lauren again. "Do you want to come to my house and get ready with me?" She nodded and smiled. I pulled out my phone as it started buzzing.

Cass sent two messages and calling my phone. I answered it, "Yes?"

"Can I borrow your apartment tonight?" I squinted my eyes. "Why do you need my apartment, Cass?"

"Ask her did she order the plane tickets," Lauren asked. "Because I need to know when I can book the hotel." I sent her a questionable look before Ruthie spoke up. "I rearranged for Matthew, Sasha, and Cass to come to Atlanta for a while." I gasped, "Cass, when are y'all going to get the plane tickets?"

"We already did. We'll make it tomorrow night at some time." I smiled and told Lauren the time. She nodded and started looking at hotels.

After a while, the hairdresser was finished with my hair, and another lady gave me my costume. It was a yellow and blue cheerleading outfit. I thanked them both and excused myself to the bathroom to change.

I walked out and over to Lauren. She smiled and took a picture of me. I threw up a peace sign. She snapped the picture and showed me.

"Can you send this to me?" I asked as I turned to the door

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"Can you send this to me?" I asked as I turned to the door. Mary Alice walked into the room, and everyone immediately went quiet. "There's my cheerleader!" She chuckled, pulling me into a hug. Then, she moved back, looking at me closely, "This isn't too tight, is it?" I shook my head. "It's a perfect fit." She nodded and lead me into the front of the camera.

It was audition day all over again. That nervousness in the bottom of my stomach never left. It just died down some, but right now, it soared. I could mess up, and everyone would probably question my acting. I only had one chance to make this right.

"Y/N," Mary called out to me, "Can you do page 10 for me? Just her interview scene." I nodded and began to recite the words by heart. I looked deep into the camera, relaxing my face, yet keeping a smile. I said the lines, pausing at the right moments and keeping my voice leveled like hos it was scripted. After a couple of minutes, Mary stopped me with a smile.

"I think we need to take some things out, but overall, it was great. I think you're the perfect fit." I nodded and waited for her to continue, "After you're finished filming your movie, we'll get you fitted for more clothes and scripts."

"But, I won't be finished until next year sometime." I said, "Isn't that too long to hold back on a show?"

"No, it gives me and my team enough time to work on some script changes and move people around," I nodded. I thanked her for her time and walked about to the bathroom to change. I placed on my clothes I came in and walked back to my car. I texted Lauren that I was leaving and she replied with an okay.

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