Chapter 25: Beach Day

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Chris chuckled to himself while watching tv. I finished cleaning the kitchen, though he offered to help. I sat down on the couch opposite of him. "Have you talked to Mackie since last night?" I asked, pulling out my laptop and emailing some of my team back.

"Not really," He smirked at me, "I was pretty busy." I sucked my teeth and pulled out my phone, texting Mackie, asking when were he planning the trip, and was it ok if I brought people. He texted back instantly saying, "Yeah, that's cool. The more, the better. We leave next weekend."

I nodded, marking it down on my calendar. Matt, then, called my phone. I answered, "Hey, baby." I mumbled, holding the phone between my ear and shoulder. Chris made a face at me before I mouthed Matt's name.

"Can you send me your location? We're going to get ready at your house." I told him the address. We talked for a couple of minutes before I hung up. I sat back against the couch, sighing, "Why don't we have work next weekend?"

"They're moving the sets and rebuilding it." I nodded and turned my attention back to the laptop, but Chris' eyes wandered on me a little while longer. I glanced at him, "Why are you looking at me like that, Christopher?" I asked.

"You look beautiful, Y/N." He mumbled, deeply. I frowned at him and shook my head, "You're not getting none out of me." I joked. I relaxed in the chair, but Chris kept staring. "What? I can't compliment you?" I didn't say anything for a moment, so he said, "You look beautiful, and I mean it."

I smiled slightly. Something in my stomach felt like it was twisting in knots, and making my chest burn. I shook my head, ignoring it.

"Are you still coming to my ASP event?" Chris asked, putting on his shoes. I nodded, "Yeah, just let me know when so I can buy a dress and stuff."

"You don't have to worry about that," He stood and grabbed his jacket, "I'll have all that handled." I shook my head, "What does that mean?" I asked, but he was grabbing his keys and walking out the door. I rolled my eyes and locked the door behind him.

Within the next hour or so, Sasha, Cass, and Matt were sitting in my living room, going over today's plans. "Honestly, let's just go to the beach, and we'll go from there," Sasha mumbled coming out of the bathroom. I nodded and said, "I invited Lauren too." Everyone nodded and finished getting ready.

Then, we left out and went to the beach, which Ruthie found for me. It was private so that I didn't have to worry about the paparazzi. Immediately, Matt started dragging me to the water. I squealed and hit his shoulders, but Cass started grabbing my feet, lifting me.

I screamed tried to wriggle out of their grasp. Yet, by the time I broke free, they dropped me in the water. I stood up and threw myself on Matt, dragging him down underwater. He came back up in an instant.

"Now, why in the hell would you throw me in the water, knowing I can't swim?" I asked.

"You can't swim? Damn, you really fit in with the stereotype." Cass mumbled, splashing water in my face. I flipped her off and walked over to Sasha and Lauren. She started pulling out buckets and shovels. I rolled my eyes at Sasha, "I know your old ass did not buy a toy set to build a sandcastle."

"Yes, I did," Sasha smiled up at me. "Now, are you going to help us or what?" She held the shovel up at me. I rolled my eyes, "Hell yeah. Now, move over." I sat down beside them. "I stopped by the store and bought some sandwiches for everyone," Lauren said. "And I got some beers."

I nodded and thanked her, "Next weekend, Mackie was planning on going to the French Quater Festival. I was wondering if you were off, and if you wanted to come."

Lauren nodded, "Yeah, I'm sure Ruthie doesn't need me for anything." I smiled and looked at Sasha, who was pouring her heart into building her castle, but it kept falling. "Y/N, help me." She cried after trying for the 6th time. I flatted out the sand and took my bucket, making more towers.

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