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The door slammed shut behind her. In all the years of knowing the woman, I've never seen her this angry, and I knew if I said anything she would get angrier.

Instead, I followed her to our room, watching as she threw her things on the bed. I know Y/N. She always ran when the problem got too difficult for her to solve. I needed her to stay. Not for me, but the sake of this relationship and our future family.

"Y/N put the bags back," I mumbled, leaning against the door. She didn't look at me. She didn't even stop for a second. She just kept going. I walked up to her, squatting to her level. "Peach, I need you to-"

"Don't call me that shit. I'm not your Peach. I'm Y/N, and if you can't call me by that, don't call me at all." The pain in her voice struck me. I let out a breath, pulling away from her for a moment before going back in. "Peach," She looked at me. "You have to talk to me."

"Now, you wanna talk!" She yelled, standing up and walking away, "I've been trying to do that for the last few weeks, but no! You've been so busy with your movies and costars and events that you can't listen to me." Y/N turned around, and there were tears in her eyes, threatening to fall. I immediately went to comfort her, but she put up a hand.

"No," She said, "You stay there, and I'll stay here." She wiped her face and sighed. All that fear I had two months ago came bubbling back up. She was going to end it. Right here, right now, and I don't have a say in it. I swallowed and waited for what felt like hours.

"You don't see me as a person in this relationship, Chris. You only see me as the person that's gonna inevitably carry your children. You ignored me all day today, but when children and marriage were bought up, you sprung to the conversation like lightning." She grabbed her bag from the bed, "You don't care about me anymore, and this ain't the Chris that I fell in love with."

Y/N walked out the door and down the stairs. I followed her, trying to explain my said, but she wasn't hearing it. Instead, she walked to the bathroom, pulling all her things off the counter. "Y/N, I do care about you, but this is hard on me too. I love you, but this is difficult. I'm trying to start a family with you, but you act like you don't want it!"

"Maybe I don't!" She interrupted me. I was taken aback by her sudden outburst, and from the look on her face, she didn't regret it. I nodded slowly, looking her dead in the eyes. "That's what I want right now, and if you can't give me that, then I don't think we should be together."

Y/N blinked and mumbled an okay, but I don't think either of us is thinking this through. We were just doing it to piss each other off. She brushed past me, shoulder hitting mine. Her heavy footsteps went down the stairs until I heard the door shut. I closed my eyes tightly and tried to calm down, but I couldn't. I can't. My chest got tighter and tighter until it was impossible to breathe. I kicked a bucket of trash, spilling it all over the floor.

I lost her. Just like that. Without even thinking. My hands began to shake until I swung my fist into a wall. Leaving a hole smaller than the one I just put in my life.

———— For Better or For Worse ————

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