Chapter 40: Surprise, Surprise

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"Okay," I said, turning off the car, "if you need a ride call me." Quinn nodded and got out. He asked if he could go with a couple of friends to play basketball. I gave him so money in case he wanted to eat and dropped him off.

"Y/N," He turned back to the car, "Thank you." I nodded, and he walked away. I turned the car back on and drove to the nearest store. I pulled into the parking lot and went in, grabbing a basket. I grabbed some snacks for Q, Powerades, and any type of chips I could find. After that, I grabbed oil for both his and my hair in the hair aisle.

I grabbed a couple of shirts for Quinn since he didn't have much. My attention was caught when I saw two girls standing at the end of the aisle looking at me. One of them whispered something causing the other to laugh. I let it roll off my back and continued grabbing things Quinn needed.

"Excuse me," One of the girls walked to me. I could smell the vodka draining from her mouth. "You're Chris Evan's girlfriend, right? Can we have a picture?" I held myself back from rolling my eyes. I let out a small breath before looking at the short girl.

"No, I'm Y/N Y/L/N, and I don't want to do that right now." I waved her away and went back to shopping but she followed me. "Come on, it's just one picture. It's not like I'm asking you to do a photo shoot."

"Yeah, but I don't feel like it right now." I walked to the counter and went to self-checkout. Before I paid, the same girls came up behind me. This time they were with a guy, "That's her. She's famous." One of the girls whispered. The guy laughed.

I moved out of the way, so they could check out as well, yet they stayed in their same spot and started snapping pictures. I paid and quickly put my things in my bag and walked to my car.

They came out right after, stumbling and yelling towards me, and got in theirs, pulling away. I sighed. Of course, they were drinking and driving. I pulled out of the parking lot and started to drive back home.

I made it to a red light before a car pulled up behind me with its lights on bright. I looked away and waited for the light to turn green. Then, the car pulled upside me. It was the keys from in the store. One of them put their phones out of the window while the one that was driving was laughing.

I sucked in a breath before rolling up my windows and reaching in my purse for my phone. The light turn green, and I didn't hesitate to drive off. The car followed after me. I pulled out the phone and dialed 911, waiting to push the call button. I drove past my hotel twice before I realized it. When I did, I circled the block again, pulling into the front. The car pulled in behind me. I placed my keys between my fingers and my wallet, which had my key card in it.

Then I opened the car door and sprinted to the hotel. They opened their car door after me, and I sped up. There was no one in the lobby to help me, so I went straight to the elevator. I pressed the button over ten times, as fast as I could, to get to my floor. I heard them laughing and talking loudly as they walked in. Thankfully, the doors closed before they saw where I went.

I leaned my hand against the back of the wall. Then, I mentally cringed. Why the hell did I drive back to the hotel. Now they know where I'm staying. It's fine. I'll just pack Quinn's and my clothes. Shit, what am I gonna do when I have to go get him?

The elevator doors opened. I sped walked to my room and slammed the door shut.


A loud bang echoed throughout the room. Moving from the bed, I turned the corner. Y/N was there, looking out of the peephole. Locking the door, she sighed. Her head down, she walked into the bathroom, turning on the water there. Ok, I'm gonna scare her.

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