- if only for one night -

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"Cute, isn't it?" Mackie slipped the necklace around my neck

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"Cute, isn't it?" Mackie slipped the necklace around my neck. The only light in the room was the moon peeking through the curtains, yet the diamonds still shined like they were in the sun. This was the sixth gift this week, and it was only Wednesday.

I hope he knows he doesn't need to buy me gifts to make me stay. I'm afraid I'm too wrapped around his finger to go anywhere.

I nodded with a smile, "They're beautiful," I whispered, "But I can't have these." I went to take it off, but Mackie grabbed my hands instead. He used his other hand to raise my chin for me to look at him.

"I bought them for you, and I want you to wear them, okay?"

"What if I don't like them?" I joked. Mackie smiled down at me, "Then, we'll take them back, and buy you a car with the money."

I let out a breath. He chuckled and kissed my forehead.

He did a cheek smile as he turned me back around until I faced the mirror. Then, he placed the necklace on me, fastening it. He moved to the side, and rubbed my shoulders. "The diamonds still don't match your beauty." I rolled my eyes and smile, staring down at my feet.

God, it's been months, and he still have me smiling like an idiot.

He stepped back.

Mackie smiled and moved some of my things from the bed. He kicked off his shoes before unbuttoning his shirt fully.

"Now, come over here, and earn you some earrings to match."

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