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Just want to say a quick thank you for all of the reads and votes. I've been on Wattpad for like 5 years, and this is the first time my book has never done this well. So thank you!!

I have so many books in the works that I don't even know where to begin. I plan to put two books out this year, so look out for that. 

Here's a sneak peek:

"I was the happiest woman alive

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"I was the happiest woman alive. I was on top of the world with the best cars, the biggest houses, and so much money," I shook my head, "I had to pay someone else to count it for me. I have the man of everyone's dream."

Megan nodded, clearing her throat, "Y/N, I don't see the problem. You sound happy."

"That's the problem. I sound happy, but I don't feel it." I twisted the ring on my finger. 12 years. "12 years ago, I married someone that everyone said was the man of my dreams. I believed it for 12 years, but I don't anymore."

Megan looked at me like I was speaking in a different language. I probably was. Every time I spoke with her, it was only about how perfect my life was. Now, to complain about it was something different.

I continued, "I met this guy. Nice, smooth, a real playboy. Yet, he's ... not Jason. He knows my situation, and he wants me to get out of it. Divorce Jason."

She gasped, "Y/N, listen to yourself! Jason loves you with his whole heart, and you're just going to give it all up for a guy you met on the streets." She completely ignored what I said, "Megan, I don't love him though. I hate waking up day after day with him. You would want me to be in a loveless marriage instead of being happy?"

Meg grabbed my hand tightly, causing me to look into her eyes, "You are happy with him. You're perfectly fine. This other man that you think you want isn't the one for you." I shook my head, standing and letting go of her hand. She's not getting, clearly, and I need to go to someone who does. I don't even know why I came here, to begin with.

"Y/N, what are you going to do?" I bit my lip, trying to smile, but I couldn't. I felt trapped in this marriage for 12 years, and I don't think I'll ever escape. Mackie is right there with open arms, but I can't just jump from one relationship to the next.

"I'm going to stay with Jason."


Well, it's been just about five years, and Y/N and Chris are better than ever

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Well, it's been just about five years, and Y/N and Chris are better than ever. Of course, there are the occasional cheating rumor and the constant harassment. Not to mention the invasion of privacy. But, that's Hollywood.

Y/N is just starting to realize that as well. With her career and fame rising and Chris' need to start a family, she's, once again, torn between the two. A career or a family.

The choice will decide how her and Chris end up. The world is watching and reporting their every move. When you're this famous, everyone wants to know exactly who you are. As always, fame is temporary, but Hollywood is forever.

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