Chapter 19: Six Flags Pt. 1

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Chris's pov

Today is an off day, and to be completely honest, I needed it. Between filming, photoshoots, and interview, I was worn out. Then, to top it off, I was stressing over Y/N and whether or not she truly wanted to be together. Every since the dinner, we haven't talk, and I feel guilty.

Yet, I'm trying to ignore that since I am supposed to relax today. Scott was exactly in town, so we were planning on getting something to eat. Maybe, I could snatch Y/N away from Collins.

I logged on to Twitter to see the news. Nothing much was happening until I saw trending pictures of Y/N. She and Collins were spotted coming from dinner later yesterday. They looked oddly close. Maybe, she didn't tell him she wanted to end. She's probably waiting.

Dodger hopped on the bed with his stuffed lion and his head on my pillow. I took a quick picture of us, captioning it "Lazy Days."

"Hello, Dodge

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"Hello, Dodge." I rubbed behind his ears. He bowed his head. I went back to my phone as he started sneezing. I turned back to Dodger with a smile. Then, he sneezed again. I started recording us to see if he was going to sneeze again, but he just looks at me. "He's been sneezing a lot. Have you bud?"

Then, he jumped at me as if he was going to sneeze again. I moved back and laughed, "Don't do that!" I laughed again before posting the video on Twitter and Instagram.

I sent the video to Y/N, "He's sick cause he's missing his favorite person." I sent the text and got up to take a bath and clean a little. It took me about an hour or so to do that, so then, I texted Scott to make sure he was still coming over. Then, I saw Y/N left me on read, which was rude, but I just think she was busy. My phone ring. It was Scott.

"Hey, Chris," He spoke in a hurried town, "Okay, I don't want to eat and go home. I want to do something fun. So, I'm thinking Six Flags in Austell."

"I'm down for whatever," I mumbled. "Do you mind if I invite a friend?"

"If you mean Y/N, I don't care. I want to meet her so bad." I chuckled. "As long as you don't plan on taking her from me." Scott cleared his throat before laughing, "Chris, I play for the other time. Trust me, I don't want your woman." I huffed.

"Just get over here." I hung up the photo and dialed Y/N's number. She picked up after I called the second time. "Yeah?" She answered. She sounded tired. "Are you busy? I don't want to bother you."

"No, you're good. I'm just getting ready." She answered. "Where are you going?" Y/N sighed, "Collins's taking me and his friend to Six Flags." I nodded and cleared my throat to sound less excited. "That's weird. My brother and I were going today too. Maybe, we could meet up. He wants to meet you." There was a pause before she answered, "Yeah. Collins said it'll be fine."

Collins said? Since when does she need his permission? I'm really starting to dislike Collins.

"Have you told him about what we talked about?" I asked.

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