Chapter 47: Tomorrow

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Chris had taken Dodger and Zeus on a walk, which turned into him taking them to a dog spa. After that, it turned into him taking them to a dog park. Whenever he sends me pictures of him and the dogs playing, he asks if I'm jealous. There is no doubt that Chris is a very good dog parent.

As Matt sat down beside me, ready to have the one conversation I've avoided, he asked, "What are we doing tomorrow?". The anniversary of Daniel and Pam's deaths is tomorrow. The past two years, Matt and I have celebrated the memory of our loved ones who have passed. Yet, this year, I feel torn between the two: I want to celebrate the life of Daniel, my ex-fiance, but I don't want Chris to be jealous or think I'm not over Daniel completely.

I sighed, patting Matt's leg, "We can have a party here at the bar, and do a little comedy roast that way people aren't sad." Matt nodded and went silent, "If Pam was here, she would flip the fuck out if we talked bad about her."

"We'll be joking about it." I giggled.

"Are you going to get Chris on board?" Matt was always good at guessing my thoughts. Maybe, he could just read minds. "I'm not sure, Matt. He might be working on his new movie."

Then he squinted at me. "Just ask. I'm sure Chris will be cool about it." I agreed, knowing I wouldn't ask.

Grabbing the remote from my hand, Quinn sat down next to me on the couch. When I grabbed it back, I said, "Boy, where are your manners?"

"Back in New Orleans. Plus, it's my turn to watch TV." Q grabbed it back, and then, he put it on All American. "I missed half the episode. Dang, Y/N."

I blinked at him. "Quinn, you are getting mad comfortable." Chris walked the door, "Leave him alone. Mi casa, su casa, Q." I gasped at him, "Chris, don't encourage him. You keep treating him like this he's gonna turn into you." Chris turned around to face me. "What does that mean?" He held back his smile as I sized him up. "I think I'm a great influence."

"Chris, you let him get a tattoo while we were in Boston!"

"In my defense, you wouldn't come with me," He poorly argued, "And Quinn is 17, and he wanted to hang with me."

"Speaking of hanging with you," Quinn interrupted, "Are you going to Daniel's party?" I shook my head at Q, "He can't. He's going to be busy that day." Chris looked between me and Quinn before nodding slowly, "Daniel, as in, your ex-fiance, Daniel?" When I didn't answer, Chris bit his lip, looking back at Quinn. "Give us a minute."

Quinn nodded and left the room, grabbing my car keys, "Going to the bar."

The door barely closed before Chris was questioning me, "Why didn't you let me know about the party?" I humped my shoulders, cleaning up my spot, "Because I didn't know if you wanted to go. Honestly, you don't have to come if you don't want to."

"Oh my god," He placed his hands on his hips,

"Oh my god," He placed his hands on his hips,

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