Chapter 31: Trending Topics

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after spending the entire day dancing and eating crawfish, we woke up the next day and did it all again. Only this time, it was a little different. Mackie decided we should play Iced: a game where you trick someone into drinking, and they have to no matter what. If they figure out what you're doing, you have to drink.

And as I slid a beer into Sasha's purse, I could feel Chris's eyes on me. I bowed my head in guiltiness before looking at him undereye. Then, I smiled at him, and he gave me one back. Honestly, if we weren't in public I would let him fuck the shit out of me right here.

"Y/N," My eyes snapped up to face Lauren, who smiled warmly at me. "Drink." In front of me, Chris had his hand wrapped around a beer and slid it to my chest in front of me. I rolled my eyes as he twisted the cap for me. I swallowed the small beer in two gulps wipe my mouth clean.

"Guys," Seb grabbed our attention, "I called the owner of a race track thirty minutes away, and we got it to ourselves. Who's down for a race?" Immediately, everyone jumped up. Matt threw the keys at Chris. "The last one to the car gets Iced."

I picked up my bags and ran straight to the car, trying to dodge as many people as I could. I could hear Cass cursing at us for leaving her. By the time she reached the car, I was in the front seat and everyone else was opening the doors. She jumped into the truck, huffing and grabbing the beer Matt was holding over the seat. "Drink up, whore."

Chris gave the key to me, and I started the car. "The address is 11075 Nicolle Blvd," Anthony said, pulling up a GPS and sitting back down. I nodded and followed it precisely. "Ok," Chris announced, "What's everyone's Iced score?"

"I got 3," Seb mumbled. "6 for me," Matt added.

"2." Lauren said, "And a half if you count the shot." Cass agreed with her, saying she had the same score. " Sasha had 2, and Chris had 7. I had a solid 5 beers. I looked at Sasha through the window, "Hey, Sausage, can you check your purse for my phone? I think I lost it."

Sasha rolled her eyes at the nickname and opened her purse. Then, she sighed loudly and kicked my seat. "You bitch." Anthony and Matt laughed as she down the beer and put the can in a bag. After a couple of minutes, we arrived at the race track, where the owner stood outside waiting for us. We all got out and walked over to him, who introduced himself as Alan Walker.

He gave Anthony the keys to the carts, explaining the rules and how to work them. Then, he left, leaving two of his workers to assist us. Chris pulled me to the corner while the others went looking for helmets. "Do you have something planned for tonight?" He asked. I shook my head slightly, "I'm free."

"Okay, so do you want to go on a friendly date with me?" Chris rubbed his hands against his jeans and tried to maintain eye contact with me. I know damn well he wasn't nervous. Why would he be? He could easily have me and any other girl wrapped around his fingers with a blink of an eye.

And like any other girl, I said yes. I didn't see myself having any other choice. I liked Chris, and so far he showed signs of liking me. Plus, we were already sleeping together.

"Good, so I'll pick you up at 8," Chris mumbled before kissing my forehead. Then, he picked up 2 black helmets, placing one in my hands. "I hope you know I'm not riding with you," I said, placing my purse and jewelry in a locker. Chris rolled his eyes, "Oh yeah. I would love to see you racing with us. You can't even handle your own carts"

I nodded sarcastically, "Boy, fuck you." I pushed his chest and placed on my helmet. "Are y'all coming?" Seb yelled. I nodded and jogged over to them as they got into the carts. I picked a black one and got in. Then, we drove to the starting point to start the laps. Then, one of the workers started the timer.

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