Chapter 16: Lip Sync Battle

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y'all Chris 40 today🥺 happy birthday, stink stink! ok bye -h🖤

After the first interview with Collins, I was already tired. I didn't sleep well last night and I was barely eating. I just wanted to go home and go to sleep for hours, but I have another interview and the lip sync battle. I was grateful that Cass and Sasha packed my clothes for me, or else I would be doing that too.

Lauren sat across from me in the dressing room, typing away on her laptop. Ruthie couldn't make it today because she was preparing some other things for me to do when we reached Atlanta, she sent Lauren to help me. She was 20 something, coming straight from college. She was hella nice and respectful. Very different from the kids I was used to seeing at work.

"Lauren," I said, "What did you go to college for?" Lauren thought for a second and spoke, "I was in law school for a while, but I switch over to do journalism." I nodded. "Why did you switch over?" Lauren looked down and swallowed. "I couldn't afford the books anymore. The prices kept getting tighter." She laughed and stood up.

"I'll go see if they're ready." I nodded. As a last-minute decision, I placed my hair in a bun.

 As a last-minute decision, I placed my hair in a bun

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Lauren opened the door, "They're ready." I nodded and walked out of the room with her. I walked back to my seat from before and sat down beside Collins. He placed his hand on the back of my chair with a smile. I smiled back, moving to the other side a little. "You ready to do this?" He asked. I nodded and put on a big smile as the camera started rolling and the interviewer sat down.

"Hi, my name's Jasper, and I'm here with Hollywood's new couple Collins Monroe and Y/N Y/L/N." Collins moved his hand to my thigh and squeezed it. I placed my hand on his and moved it back to him a little. "Well, let's get into the elephant in the room. Y/N, you really showed up and decided to make us all look ugly."

I laughed, "No, I didn't

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I laughed, "No, I didn't. This was in the back of my closet." Jasper smiled and look me up and down, "Well, you look gorgeous."

"Hey, no flirting with my woman." Collins jumped. Jasper apologized, "Speaking of her being your woman, how did this relationship start?" I moved over in my seat and looked at Collins. He looked back at me and motioned for me to tell it. "We meet at a dinner with the cast, and we spent that whole night joking with each other. So, that lead him to ask me out a day before my birthday."

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