Chapter 14: Midnight Mistakes*

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Sasha and I picked Cass up from the airport at 2 a.m. She ran to the car, shuffling with the bags. I laughed and jumped out to help her. Before I could speak, she wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me down to her height.

"Ugh, I missed you." She cried. I hugged her back with a smile playing on my lips. "I've missed you more." I laughed.

"Um, where's my hug, Cass? I paid for your ticket, remember?" Sasha yelled from behind me. I let go of her and grabbed her bags while she hugged Sasha. "Where's Matt?" Cass asked, climbing into the back seat. I turned on the car and drove away. "Ready to see your man again, huh?" Sasha laughed. Cass hit Sasha on the back of her head. "Last time I checked, you and him were a thing. What happened?"

I smirked. "Sean came back from his parent's house." I looked in the rearview mirror to look at Cass. She made a face and rolled her eyes. "Well, that's none of my business. I came here to have fun and finally get drunk without Mama breathing down my neck." She laughed and bounced in the backseat. "But, enough about me. Let's talk about Ms. Y/N and Mr. Captain America with his fine ass." I rolled my eyes. "Cass, I will crash this car."

"What? Don't you think it's nice to know you had a crush on this man, and now you get to work with him? It's God trying to tell you something, and if I was you, I would listen."

"Ain't it crazy how I'm in complete control of y'all life right now? Stop testing me, Cass." Sasha laughed and turned around to face her. "I don't think she like Chris anymore now that's dating Collins Monroe."

"Ugh," Cass mumbled. "Not that colorist." I looked at her. "What you talking about?"

"He doesn't like dark skins. He was making jokes and shit about them, and then, he was liking a bunch of tweets that put dark skin women down." Cass explained. I shook my head. "I don't know. I'm dark skin, and all he does is compliment me." I replied. Cass and Sasha hummed and unison. "I'm just saying. Watch him and that big mouth he got."

I chuckled to myself and pulled into the driveway. "I'll be fine. Plus, I got my bitches to help me if I have to kill him." We laughed as we helped get Cass bags out of the car. I unlocked my apartment and walked. "I think we all too big and too old to sleep in my bed together," I said, sitting on my couch. "So, just unfold the couch to make the day bed.

Cass sat down on my lap and placed her head on my shoulder. "Can we go see a movie tomorrow and maybe get something to eat?" She asked, and knowing that I couldn't say no to her, I smiled and nodded. Cass was literally in her 20s, but I couldn't help but treat her like a baby.

"You're spoiling her." Sasha chuckled. I nodded and stood. "I'm going to bed. Don't be making no noise or else, I'll put both of y'all out." I smiled and walked to the room. I closed my door, taking out my clothes, and slipping into an oversized t-shirt. I unlocked my phone, scrolling through Twitter. I caught myself on Collin's page. I checked for the tweets that Cass mentioned he liked, but I couldn't find anything. I sighed, shutting off my phone. I was about to turn over to go to sleep when someone knocked on my door. "It's open" I said.

The door opened to Sasha and Cass. "Can we sleep in here with you?" I frowned. "What?"

"Can we sleep in here with you please?" Sasha asked again. I sighed and moved to the end of the bed. They crawled towards the middle. Eventually, Sasha let Cass lie there. I grabbed more covers and pillows for us. "Goodnight, whores." I mumbled, placing the covers over my head.



We woke up around 9 a.m. because Matt was beating on my door like he was the police. I opened it to see him and Sean with breakfast. I gave Matt and smile and let him the house. I walked back to my room to check on the girls. "Who was that?" Sasha asked, brushing her teeth. "The boys," I answered. "They brought breakfast too."

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