Chapter 26: A Starting Point

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After five days of filming, I finally had a day off, which was the day Chris planned for his event. I hadn't thought about it until now because I was stressing about what I was going to wear and my hair.

Chris did mention he'd have this taken care of, but it's 8:56 pm, and the event starts at 9:30. I picked up my phone, trying to call but it went straight to voicemail. Then, I decided I was going to wear something from my closet, and called Sasha to take care of my hair.

She answered immediately, "Girl, it's 8 at night. I'm trying to catch a nap." She mumbled. I rolled my eyes, "You ain't sleeping at 8. You doing something else."

It was silent for a second before she mumbled, "Can I help you with something?"

"I need my hair down, babes." I groaned. Sasha mumbled ok before hanging up the phone.

I tried to call Chris one more time, but he didn't answer. Instead, Veronica answered, "Hello? Who is this?" Clearly, she had to read the ID. I didn't play into her game, "Is Chris anywhere around? I need to talk to him."

Wait, why the hell did Veronica answer Chris's phone?

"He said, he'll have to call you back. He's in a meeting with his friend." I nodded and exhaled, "And why are you there?"

"Because Chris is my ride to the ASP event. Aren't you nosy?" Before I could say something to hurt her feelings, I hung up the phone.

So, did Chris invited me and Veronica, knowing that she and I didn't get along. Then, he didn't even tell me about it, knowing that I wasn't going if she shows up. I barely made it through the week with her attitude and mark remarks. I feel like if she says something tonight, I might give her a black eye.

I picked up the phone to cancel with Sasha, but she was already walking through the door. She looked me up and down. "You look mad. Why?" She sat her things on the counter and sat down beside me.

"Chris invited Veronica to his event, and I don't know if I can handle her," I mumbled. "I'm probably just going to cancel."

"Is that really the reason, Y/N? You and I both know you don't get angry over things like that." Sasha began taking things out of her bag. I rolled my eyes and shook my head, "Baby, don't start jumping to conclusions. I won't be jealous of a bitch over no average man."

"But, this ain't no average man. It's Chris Evans. You had a crush on him since What's Your Number. It's ok to be jealous," Sasha started taking my hair out of the ponytail. "Plus, Veronica ain't nothing to look at. You look way better, bitch."

I shook my head and sat back into the chair, "Well, I'm still not going. I just want you to do my hair." Sasha hummed and continued to break down my hair, oil, and curl it. I played on my phone for a while until I decide to do a live on Instagram.

I set the phone against a can and started the live. A couple of hundred people came in and began talking. I was used to this amount. I had 10k followers before joining the movie. Sasha started playing music and dancing behind me while doing my hair. I laughed, "Somebody better be screen recording this."

Sasha stopped and glared at me. I leaned in and read the comments. One of them said, "Tell my husband, Chris I said hey!"

I laughed and covered my mouth as more comments like those came in.

"Tell Chris I love him."

"You and Jamal make a better couple than you and collins. Girl, leave him."

"Are you done with collins, so you and Chris can get together?"

I laughed, "Y'all are acting crazy in these comments. Some of y'all need to log off the internet for a while." I continued the live until Sasha finished my hair, then I turned it off and walked to the bathroom to start on my makeup. The doorbell rang, "I got it." Sasha yelled. It was quiet for a moment until Sasha yelled again, "I'll see you later, Y/N. Have fun!"

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