the champions selection || twenty-eight

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It was the night the Champions would finally be selected for the Triwizard Tournament. All throughout the day, the excitement could be felt both inside and outside of the classroom. Even Professor Snape was in a noticeably brighter mood. He didn't hush the class. Not once.

Now, as everyone made their way through the castle's corridors and gathered in the Great Hall, here I was, waiting with nothing but impatience. "Malfoy, hurry up!" I said, banging my fist against the bathroom door.

The spray of water on the other side was yet to cease.

"We're going to be late!" I groaned, my head flopping against the door. From the other side, I heard the shower suddenly stop. "Fine," Malfoy called, and I could hear the sound of his wet feet as he stepped out.

I picked my head up off the door and dragged my feet towards the bed. I sat down on the edge, waiting. A minute or two later, the door swung open and steam poured out of the bathroom.

"It's about time," I said, getting up from the bed. Malfoy swaggered out, his robes tossed over his shoulder. His masculine frame was outlined against the thin, school-shirt he wore.

"Starting to miss me, were you?" He grinned teasingly. I rolled my eyes and turned my back on him, all the while Malfoy brushed a hand through his wet, ice-blond hair, a stupid grin on his face.

"Bet you wish I did," I pulled the bedroom door open and disappeared into the stairwell. Malfoy followed me down, his hair starting to fluff up. "Oh, but I know you did." He grinned.

I glared at him from the side of my eye. Malfoy's expression only broadened, and in a strange way, reminded me of a Cheshire Cat. We exited the common room and immediately a cool drift swept into our faces. I shivered ever so slightly.

Malfoy gently brushed the back of his hand against mine. He briefly looked over at me to see how I'd react, yet when I did nothing more than stare ahead, he did it again. A couple of passing students sent curious glances in our direction. Never had we ever been so close.

At last, the Great Hall was in sight and it's doors were already open in expectance. People filed in last minute and the excited chatter could be heard for miles before entering. The Slytherins were all sat on the top row of benches, so Malfoy and I quickly headed that way.

Blaise looked up as we approached. I slid down into the empty space besides him and Malfoy followed seconds later. His cologne and the apple-cinnamon scented shampoo he used to wash his hair only minutes ago was stronger than ever.

The house tables crackled with anticipation all around and dark clouds circled the enchanted ceiling.

"Sit down, please!" Dumbledore's voice rose across the hall. The last of the Hogwarts students dashed into the back-end of the hall. Everyone's conversions quickly faded into silence. "And now, the moment you've all been waiting for! The Champions Selection!"

Dumbledore lifted his wand. The torches decking the Hall guttered very briefly before the flames within died. Everyone watched in anticipation as Dumbledore approached the Goblet of Fire. There was hunger to be chosen by some, while others who bravely dared to submit themselves crossed their fingers and hoped for the opposite.

The blue-white flame glowed against Dumbledore's aged face. There was a hush... a crackle... a roar! The flame turned red and spat a charred bit of parchment into the air. Dumbledore plucked the parchment mid-fall; it's edges crumbling with ash and smoke.

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