umbridge || chapter fifty

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"You'll be learning about defensive spells in a secure, risk-free way."


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I stepped into my shared dorm with Draco, finding everything just as it was left. Aside from our trunks that had been laid out on the edge of our bed, ready to be unpacked.

Draco didn't waste anytime. He slipped off his robe and tossed it over the back of a chair before he slumped down face-first into the bed. "Oh bed, how I've missed you." He mumbled into the mattress."

"Oh yes," I drawled, sitting down beside him. He turned his face to the side and glanced up at me as I ran a hand along his spine, "I can't wait to have your feet digging into my back every night."

"If you just slept on top of me that wouldn't be a problem."

"I love you, Draco, truly. But you are nowhere near as comfortable as this lovely little mattress."

He rolled his eyes and dug his face back into the duvets. "Go to bed, Y/N."

I got up from the bed and laughed. "Only if I get to wear your jumper."

"Knock yourself out, it's in my bag."


The follow morning, I woke to the strong scent of cedar wood and apple. It made my nose wrinkle and eyes instinctively crack open a mere inch. The shower door was ajar, and I could see the silhouette of Draco standing just beyond it.

He came out a couple seconds later, clicking the buckle of his belt in place. Water was dripping down his porcelain back as he leant over to grab a shirt. I didn't think to announce my awakening, so I just lay there, watching as he walked towards the mirror and pulled his arms through the sleeves.

That, however, was the moment his eyes diverted. He looked at me through the reflection. "Morning, darling." He said, not turning around. "Didn't realise you were awake."

"Morning..." I mumbled sleepily.

"Hey uh," Draco said, finally turning around. "We're getting our prefect timetables at breakfast. Has all of our times on it."

"And?" I asked, sitting up and scratching the back of my head.

"Which means you should probably get your arse up?" Draco lifted a brow. "Kind of implied that the first time."

"Yeah, yeah. Give me a minute."

Draco rolled his eyes and turned back around. "I put your toothbrush in the cup holder. Your little cleanser thing is in there too."

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