Wedding Crashers || chapter one-hundred and twenty-one

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It was early in the morning when I finally woke up.

My eyes snapped open and my entire body seemed to jolt to life. I lifted my head from the pillow beneath my head and was surprised to find myself far from home. Feeling my chest beat upon the realisation, a soft voice appeared in my ear.

"Lay back down, darling..." Draco murmured from behind, his hands locked around my waist. Despite the reassurance, my eyes darted across the room, nostalgia hitting me the second I recognised it.

We were in the Burrow where we had spent our summers. This was our old room.

"Why— why are we here?" I ask softly. "Why aren't we at home?" Draco's hand tightened around my waist as though to silently tell me to lay back down.

"We didn't get back until late last night, darling." Draco whispered. "You were in need of rest. Especially after your panic attack."

That's when everything hit me.

I had completely melted down the night before. "Oh god..." I whisper to myself, closing my eyes in shame. Suddenly, I wished the mattress beneath would swallow me whole.

Draco perfectly heard what I'd said and slithered his hand over my stomach. "You're okay now, darling... don't worry about it." He murmured against my hair. "I just think... perhaps you aren't cut out for this sort of thing."

His last sentence made me turn my head and shoot daggers into him. "There is nothing I'm not cut out for." I hissed. "It was just a lot, okay? I didn't expect an ambush. I was more concerned about our little one than I was myself."

"No hard feelings, darling. But I can't have you panicking like this every time we go on an Order mission— that kind of stress isn't healthy for the baby." Draco said, trying to brush the hair out of my face despite my angry stare.

Perhaps it was just the hormones— but my first instinct was to huff and turn my back on him. "Stop fucking lecturing me first thing in the morning."

"I wasn't—,"

I shot him a glare over my shoulder. However, Draco pushed my challenging gaze aside and continued. "— Just get some sleep. We'll return to the cottage in a couple of hours."

"I want to stay." I said bluntly. Draco lifted his head from the pillow and stared down at my face.


"I want to stay." I repeat, probably out of spite. "I don't want to go home yet."

"Go back to bed, Y/N." Draco sighed. "You'll feel better when you wake up after a nice nap."

Before I could refuse, Draco grabbed the hem of the bed duvets and tucked me in tight, that way I couldn't budge. Too tired to put up a fight, I dropped my head and sank into the pillow with a sigh, feeling my eyes close and Draco's hand travel smoothly along my stomach.


Draco was more than right. When I woke up later that morning, my mood swing had settled. We gathered our clothes from the night before and bid everyone a farewell. When we returned to our cottage, Draco drifted towards the kettle while I made myself at home around the kitchen table.

"Bill and Fleur are having a wedding..."

Draco turned around at the sound of my voice. "What?" He asked, glancing down at the letter in my hands. "Now?"

"Mhm..." I hum, gently tracing my fingers along the fold of the letter. "August 1st. 6:00, the Burrow."

"That's in four days from now." Draco furrowed his brows. "Don't you think that's a bit odd? A wedding. Given everything that's going on."

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