the third task || chapter forty-three

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"He's back!"

"He's back!"

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The end of the school year was only a breath away, which meant the one and only, third and final task was upon us.

I'd only seen Adrian once since the previous incident, and when I had, his face was visibly bruised. On the other hand, Draco's lip had almost completely healed. Aside from a little, red crack on the left side; you'd hardly be able to tell he'd been in a fight.

So now here we gathered, the common room around us bustling as students applied face paint to one another's cheeks. I draped my brush across Pansy's forehead, trying to create a perfect, "y" at the end of Diggory, but her inability to sit still made it ten times more challenging than I had expected.

"Sorry!" Pansy laughed, scrunching her nose. "It tickles!"

Yet again, Pansy jerked her head back to laugh. I irritably slumped back before calling— "Millicent! Her hold her down!"

Pansy's face dropped.

Millicent bounded over and tackled Pansy backwards. I shook my head while the two of them burst out in a fit of lighter. Then, all of the sudden, a strong wave of men's cologne filled the air around me.

"Struggling a bit, trouble?" Draco wrapped both arms around my waist and looked at the two girls from over my shoulder.

"More than a bit." I sighed deeply.

Pansy got back up and tried not squirm when I finally completed the Diggory across her forehead. "This task is going to be the best of them all, I can feel it my bones."

"Mhm." I hummed, putting the tub of face paint down.

"I got you a presenttt," Draco whispered in my ear, gently swaying me from side to side. "Did you now?" I glanced at him over my shoulder, a soft smile on my face. He nodded and pulled a little box from his pocket.

Draco placed it into my palm and I looked down at logo imprinted on the top.

Draco placed it into my palm and I looked down at logo imprinted on the top

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