Oddly Mysterious || chapter one-hundred and one

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Slughorn stood at the head of a table, goblet raised to the students seated before him, a distinctive crystal hourglass sat in the centre of the table. 'To Hogwarts' best and brightest! Here, here!'

Everyone shared their toast in something far from perfection unison. From across the table Neville stares hopelessly at the vast array of forks, knives and spoons placed beside his plate.

'Which one do I use for the soup?' Neville asks awkwardly, swallowing the lump in his throat as he looked around the table. His adam's apple visibly pulsated, and earned a few grins from around the table.

I looked at Draco whom sat besides me, silently amused.

However someone else from across the table had a bit of a staring problem. When I looked up, I caught Graham Montague's gaze. His lips quirked into a smirk and flashed me a tiny wink.

Fortunately for me, Draco had also seen this. While I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, Draco placed his hand on my thigh and pulled my seat a little closer to his own. He looked over at Graham with ice in his eyes, and needless to say the two lads had a silent stare down from across the table.

Graham was an attractive lad, yes, however he had a very strange vibe around him. At first I didn't understand what Draco meant after our day in the Three Broomsticks, but the more I've seen of Montague, the more it started to make sense.

Fred and George had shoved him in a Vanishing Cabinet earlier this year, and that was about the most I knew of him.

'He never managed to get all the words out, due to the fact that we forced him head-first into that Vanishing Cabinet on the first floor.' Fred had laughed.

'But you'll get into terrible trouble!' Hermione scowled from besides Y/N, obviously paranoid.

'Not until Montague reappears, and that could take weeks, I dunno where we sent him.' Fred said with a shrug, and Y/N had to fight back a laugh at the cheeky smirk that lingered on her ginger friends face.

I tried to not laugh at the memory, and played with the scoops of ice cream in my glass. Avoiding Montague would be the best decision to make— especially if I wanted to avoid Draco from beating the shit out of another boy.

Time had passed and the dinner was quite boring, and soon Professor Slughorn had dessert dished out which was nearly twice as bad. The constant clanking of spoons clashing against glass echos throughout the room, students all around the table digging into ice cream. However, me? Not so much.

I carelessly shove around the scoops of ice cream with my spoon, glaring at Blaise from across the table. He had kept looking at me the whole time, and I tried to avoid his gaze— pretending I didn't notice. But when I finally met it, he didn't look away.

He coldly stared back at me with dark eyes, and his fists were questionably tight around his spoon.

Personally, I think Slughorn is a fucking idiot for inviting Blaise Zabini here tonight.

A cold hand suddenly rested itself upon my thigh, giving me a small reassuring squeeze. The cold touch was enough to tear my gaze away from Blaise, and I looked up at Draco whom was smiling softly at me. He leaned in a little bit, whispering quietly in my ear— 'I can tell that your tense, my love. Just ignore him, pretend he's not here.'

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