the quidditch match || chapter fifty-eight

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"PROCLAMATION. Educational Decree. No. 82. All students will submit to questioning about suspected illicit activities."

"Great..." I murmured, my hands buried in the pockets of my coat. "Just what this school needs."

"No," Draco said, cracking his gloved knuckles from behind me. "What this school needs— is a match of Quidditch."

I rolled my eyes and spun on my heels. "Glad to see you're feeling better. All buzzed up now you've made the team?" I asked, jokingly punching him in the stomach. Draco pretend to act hurt and slowly backed away.

"Course, that and the fact we're playing Gryffindor on Saturday."

"Oh great," I drawled. "And so the rivalry continues."

"It always will, darling." Draco grinned. "Even heard that Weasel-bee is the new Gryffindor Keeper."

"It's Ron, Draco." I sighed. "Thought you stopped using that name ages ago."

"That was like... two weeks ago."

"Still, ages ago."

Draco narrowed his eyes. "Alright, Y/N. Alright."

I shook my head, a small grin on my face. "Well, I've got some Divination homework to catch up on. You coming?"

"Quidditch practice." Draco said, gesturing out the door. "Don't you want to watch?"

I glanced down at my bag and the few sheets of parchment poking out from it. A small sigh escaped my lips as I dropped my shoulders and turned back to Draco. "Fine."


The days leading up to the match became tense, and the meetings for Dumbledore's Army came to a slow, seeing as most of the members were too occupied with their vigorous training.

"Got your bed booked in the hospital wing, Weasley?" Theodore Nott asked from the Slytherin table one morning. Ron had turned away, his face a delicate shade of green.

The morning of the match was bright and cold. There was an upsurge of noise as everyone filtered in the Great Hall for breakfast, though most of it was every-time a Quidditch player entered.

"Soo," Draco spoke as we left through the entrance hall, down the stone steps, and out into the icy air. "Looking forward to the match?"

"Can't wait," I drawled, the frosty grass crunching beneath my feet. The mountains surrounding the castle had become snowcapped. "Nothing like watching your anger-issues explode while you're fifty feet into the air."

Draco smugly looked over at me. "I won't explode, don't worry."

"Even if you lose?"

Draco was silent for a moment. "Yeah, I'll stay calm."


Draco stopped me outside of the tent where all of the players changed. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in for a hug. I smiled to myself, even more so when he pulled away and pressed a gentle kiss against my lips.

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