Chapter 5
It had been three months since her fathers death and Dawne slowly began to become more reckless. She began to travel mid day to houses, she even began to break windows to gain access to items. Each day she would target some wealthy looking citizen in the market and follow them home.
She carried a knife on her now, tucked closely against her thigh in her tight breeches...just incase her situation caused her to use force. She was no longer afraid of death, in fact she welcomed it. Each “job” she did was more perilous than the next, almost wishing each time to get caught. She couldn’t bring herself to end her own life so she stole more precious items.
Family jewels plucked right from under neath their noses. Dawne would on the same day go to the market in the neighboring city of Atelis. There she would sell the items she “attained.” While haggling prices she would stare at the vendors, her brain screaming “I’ve stole these! They are stolen don't you see?!”
But Atelis’s markets were full of thieves, schemers and liars. Each stand claimed their items where straight from Yahweh or his angels... a bracelet worn by Gabriel, a book written by Dina. The lies were imaginative and bountiful.
Today was no different she made her way into the market’s center, pockets laden with fine jewelry. There off to the right was the familiar stand, sides wrapped in cheap red fabric in hopes to draw your eye.
“Ahhh my favorite customer!” A bald man with an oversized hooked nose opened his arms wide in greeting.
“Breven.” Dawne greeted bowing her head slightly.
“How is my little vixen of the night eh?” He raised a hairless eyebrow in her direction.
As always she brushed off any causal speak, wanting to be in and out of the market in ten minutes top. Her and Breven had an interesting relationship, he after a while had figured she was a thief and because of it gave her little coin for her objects. It was a better deal than she could get elsewhere, so she began the haggling dance.
“Right to business as always, no time for pleasantries. I admire that in a woman.” He chuckled to himself.
Dawne reached in the two deep pockets of her cloak and laid a ransom in jewels in a heap on the table.
“My my! What a haul!” Breven exclaimed and began to finger through the pieces.
Just then a man approached the stall, practically pushing her out of the way. Angrily she stumbled, covering the stash with her hands.
“I need a gift for my wife.” The man was a little out of breath and disregarded Dawne’s presence completely.
Secretly she vowed to follow him home and steal what ever item he bought as punishment for his rudeness.
“Ahh troubles at home? Nothing my finery wont cure! I have just the thing!” Breven was all too pleased to make transactions in a hurry, people didn’t count their change in a rush. He reached under the stall and pulled out a velvet lined box, filled with lockets and pearls.
The rude man clumsily rummaged in the box and finally pulled out what appeared to be a bronze diamond shaped locket.
“I’ll take this. How much?”
“Ahh now you have a good eye! That is my most precious item!” Breven’s eyes swam with greed.
“It is the strongest bronze I have ever encountered, it does not scratch or bend. It is the invincible locket!”

FantasyChaos a winged god of death is bound by duty when he must travel to the land of the living to strip the life away of an ailing man. Upon completing his task he is enchanted by the mortal thief Dawne who is an expert in cheating death its self. Can l...