Chapter 5
Dawne fell back into her sitting position roughly and couldn’t help but feel panicked.
“Dark?” She mouthed unbelieving.
Her aura was dark, no it was not just dark it was black. She had never thought about what her aura looked like, in fact she didn’t really care. That is...until now. Perhaps she assumed her aura was not as bright as an angels, obviously. But why wouldn’t it look like everyone else’s?
Then the obvious question that was nagging at the back of her mind surfaced.
Why did she have the aura of a fallen angel?
She had no wings, no flight ability, no nothing that would indicate she had some divine birth. But it wasn’t divine was it? Dawne quickly thought back to what she knew about her family history. Her father, a wealthy businessman and her mother died in childbirth. She was a beautiful woman of high society, with all the graces and charm that Dawne, did not possess. Her mothers parents lived in another city, she didn’t remember where but had never met them. And her father’s parents, both dead by a deadly plague that swept through the city long ago.
Can it skip a generation? Perhaps her grandparents were angels?
Dawne shook her head realizing how ridiculous that sounded. Then something else hit her.
Why wouldn’t Chaos tell her? He no doubt saw and recognized her aura, he knew what she was and he kept it from her!
Suddenly there was a pit in her stomach and a bad taste in her mouth.
Maybe that was why he showed himself to her in the first place...
Maybe he was only keeping her around because she was like him.
Dawne exhaled sharply.
“Like him-” She scoffed. “A fallen angel.”
So her abilities, to know her true name...was she even considered a mortal then?
She had so many questions and all she longed to do was to talk to Chaos. To yell at him for his secrecy, to pour out all that had happened, to see if he was okay, and to feel his heat against her.
Dawne blushed at the thought and then felt an extreme loneliness surround her. She had to do something, she had to know Chaos was okay...
Chaos swam back to consciousness on the cold stones of his bedroom floor. His body felt weak, it felt beaten, and his wings hung limply behind him.
Suddenly the memories flooded back to him, Dious, his father’s calm expression but feeling the extreme anger suffocating him in the air. The spirits flowing out of his fathers large golden goblet, the fear, the much pain.
Chaos moved himself into a sitting position and fluttered his wings about himself. It was painful and something felt off.
Suddenly looking at them he noticed...the bloody feathers, the crude if singed.
...His wings had been a pet longer wanted to fly.
Hello my lovely fans :)
I've missed you guys! Hope you're enjoying this story, let me know what you guys think!
<3 Miisaki

FantasyChaos a winged god of death is bound by duty when he must travel to the land of the living to strip the life away of an ailing man. Upon completing his task he is enchanted by the mortal thief Dawne who is an expert in cheating death its self. Can l...