Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The moon had finally climbed its way across the sky swathing the gothic city in eerie moonlight. Dawne took a deep breath, silently lifting the latch on the gate and slipped out into the street. She had approximately three hours before her father might notice she is gone and another 3 before the sun made its appearance. 

Tonight she would have to travel even farther into the city, for the people around her were already reporting stolen items. Two brutish men had come to her house already looking to collect tax and she fed them the same line “Soon, we’ll have it soon.” 

It had never been this way before, long ago she even considered herself to come from quite a wealthy family. She remembered wearing rich silks and attending the most fabulous parties. But then there came the day that she walked into her home to find her father crying. It rocked her to the core to see the once hearty business man crumpled in a ball on the floor, body racked with sobs. 

“It’s gone. It’s all gone.” He had chanted over and over again.  Turns out he had gambled all their money away and had nothing left. Depression set in shortly after that and with that his health wained. It wasn’t long before he was bedridden completely and they couldn’t even afford soup. 

There was a time when Dawne would sit on the street and beg, she even rummaged peoples trash for scraps of food. It was a rough year and she learned a lot about her self during that time. She learned just how far she would go for the people she loved. 

It all started when one day in the market a careless man dropped a few copper pieces on the ground. Hastily she picked them up and followed him, intent on returning the small amount of money. 

“Excuse me sir.” She had tapped him on the shoulder.

“Don’t touch me dirty beggar!”  The man shooed her off rudely and made his way quickly through the crowd. 

After that she would watch the market each day like a hawk but it turned out not to be enough. So she began to learn the art of pick pocketing from a small boy who attempted to steal from her. In return for not telling the authorities she made the boy teach her his skills. 

A cold breeze swept up around her and instinctively she pulled the hood of her cloak close to her face. She continued down the street letting the past memories fade into the night air. Dawne reached a house with thorny roses climbing their way up a leaning trellis and she instantly grabbed hold pulling herself up onto the roof. 

She took a moment to orientate herself, spinning counter clock wise and taking in all the roof tops. Dimly she heard the abandoned cathedral chime it’s unearthly notes. What kind of lonely creature had ventured their way up the dilapidated path just to sound the haunting chimes? A foreboding shiver coursed down her spine and the air around her shifted slightly. 

Dawne tried to shake off the feeling and focus on the task at hand. Easily she made a small jump to the neighboring roof top. The city was so closely packed together that it was an easy feat. 

It took a little over an hour to find the perfect spot and less than 15 minutes to get what she need. Dawne completed the task swiftly and silently, as always. It wasn’t until she was a block away that a sense of dread overcame her. She couldn’t understand it at first but it certainly made her quicken her pace. 

Easily she slipped inside the gate and climbed through her open window. She was quick and stealthy like a cat, landing poised on her hands and feet. 

Dawne glanced up into the candle lit room as a groan drew her attention to the open door way. Laying upon the ground arms outstretched was her father. 

“Father! What has happened?!” She cried scrambling to his side in an instant. 

“I...felt so weak, I stumbled-” he coughed, his voice fading. 

“That’s alright, let’s...let’s get you to bed.” Dawne felt tears stinging her eyes as she struggled to keep them back. 

“No. I think I’ll just lay here a while.” He coughed again sending red residue to spatter his thinning white beard. 

“You’re fine. Lets get you up huh?” Dawne tried to move her arm beneath his head but he caught her hands. 

“Dawne. My dearest look so much like your mother.” A slight sense of bitterness coated the words. 

“Yet I can sense him in you too.” Her father wheezed closing his eyes. 

“Him? Him who?” Dawne shook his shoulders causing his eyes to flicker then close. 

“Father!” Her heart beat quickened and she shook him forcefully now. 

“Father wake up! Father!” His hand left hers and dropped with a resounding thud. 

“No! Father!” Dawne screamed. She screamed and screamed until her throat was raw. 

His flesh grew cold beneath her touch but she still held him sobbing into his chest. A brush of cool air tickled the back of her neck and she looked around. She thought for a moment she had heard someone whisper something. 

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