Taharial finally set her down on a rooftop after flying for what she guessed to be an hour.
“There you go, can you stand?” His voice was stern yet still had that musical charm about it.
“Yes.” Dawne said curtly, still shaken from the past 48 hours.
“You must not go back to that cathedral do you understand me?”
Dawne stared up at the angel, blankly.
“Dawne, Lucifer is not to be trifled with, even out here away from that cathedral you are not safe. Are you listening to me?! You are not quite human, do you realize that?”
Dawne blinked roughly as the words filtered through her shaken exterior.
“Not human?”
“No. We’re not sure why Lucifer wants you or what exactly you are or what you are capable of yet. So we have to keep you close for now.”
“We?” Dawne began to snap back into her usual self.
“Who’s we?”
Taharial sharply turned his head up toward the sky.
“I have to go. We will speak again soon. Stay safe and if you want to keep yourself and Chaos alive you will not go toward that cathedral.”
Taharial flapped his magnificent wings and took flight into the night sky.
Dawne sat down, realizing suddenly her weakness. She had been held hostage for what could have been 1 day, 2 weeks, or months. There was no way to tell whilst under Lucifers deceptive spell.
Foreign tears began to well in her eyes..but she quickly bottled down her emotions. It was such a familiar thing to do, that it was surprising to her she was able to do it after so many days of careless emotion.
Her old ways of survival came back to her again. And she quickly surveyed the area around her to gauge how far she was from her house. Only a few miles she summed up and made her way off in the general direction.
Tonight she would rest up, find some food and sturdy clothing. And tomorrow night...she would go to the cathedral.

FantasyChaos a winged god of death is bound by duty when he must travel to the land of the living to strip the life away of an ailing man. Upon completing his task he is enchanted by the mortal thief Dawne who is an expert in cheating death its self. Can l...