Chapter 12
“Good. Now why are you a thief?” Chaos instantly went right into questioning which threw Dawne off.
“Next question.” She fired off immediately.
“I can already see we are going to get no where fast.” He rolled his eyes as they continued to stand face to face. “I don’t have all night.”
“Why?” Dawne said quickly, hoping to get in control of the questioning.
“Because I have to go somewhere.” He shrugged and his gray eyes wandered from her face.
“Back home.” There was a twinge of sadness in his voice, or was it annoyance? She couldn’t quite tell.
“Is that what happened the other night?” She could tell her voice sounded desperate and she hated it. “Is that why you had to leave so quickly?”
“No not exactly but..kind of yes.” He sighed and looked past her into the sky.
“Kind of yes?” She prompted but he shook his head.
“That’s a conversation for another time.” His eyes snapped back to her face. “Why are you a thief?”
Dawne heaved a sigh staring straight into his strange eyes “Because I have no money.”
“Is that the only reason?” He lifted a sculpted eyebrow in her direction.
“Well...” Dawne turned and walked to the edge of the roof and with a huff sat down. “Not exactly.” She dangled her feet over the edge.
She heard the soft swoosh of feathers as Chaos came to sit besides her. “Then why?”
“I can’t understand why you want to know why!” She turned to look at his side profile.
“I’ve never talked to a mortal before, I’m...curious” A shrug.
“Curiosity killed the cat you know.” Dawne smiled at the cliche line as it left her lips.
“...So it did...” He drawled out slowly and turned his head away from her. “So why then do you steal what is not yours?”
She hated being questioned like this but at the same time she felt utterly comfortable sitting here with him. Strange that she should feel so uncomfortable around mortals yet when a fallen angel comes around she’s so eager to talk.
“I think it’s good for wealthy people to experience loss. They should know what it feels like to loose something valuable in their perfect lives.”
“So you subject yourself to pain staking tasks, most involve injury and huge risks. Not to mention the constant threat of death itself...just to teach wealth business men a lesson on life?” A faint smile was detectible on his lips.
“No! Well...when you put it like that!” She actually felt color rising to her cheeks.
“There has to be something more! Please tell me there is more depth to mortals than this!” He chuckled softly and Dawne smiled feeling laughter bubbling up in her throat.
“There is more.” She sobered up “I became a thief when my father became...ill” The memories were still fresh in her mind and her heart twisted in her chest.
“We had no means to provide for ourselves and he needed medication and a roof over our heads.” She shrugged feeling emotional all of a sudden.
“Your mother was not around?” He turned his head to stare at her but she was the one facing away this time.
“I never knew her...she died giving birth to me.” Chaos looked pensive and nodded.
“So to pay for our house and food I had to steal. There are very little jobs for woman in the city, other than being a seamstress...and I’m not very good at using my hands.”
“I don’t think that’s true.” Chaos said suddenly making Dawne turn her head to face him. “You are a thief, you use your hands to pick locks and pluck valuables silently from jewelry boxes. You can pull yourself up onto a roof and with those same hands smash open a window.”
Dawne tilted her head and observed him silently. “You may not stitch a seam but your line of work is just as precise and delicate.” He finished and looked away again almost embarrassed. She was taken aback by his words, he was like two different people and Dawne couldn’t figure him out.
“You are very strange, Chaos- fallen angel.” She summed up at last.
“As are you, Dawne- merciless thief.” He flashed her a devilish smile.

FantasyChaos a winged god of death is bound by duty when he must travel to the land of the living to strip the life away of an ailing man. Upon completing his task he is enchanted by the mortal thief Dawne who is an expert in cheating death its self. Can l...