Chapter 8
Chaos had been watching Dawne when the drunken man assaulted her. His heart exploded in his chest with rage, an emotion he rarely experienced. In fact Chaos rarely felt anything at all, Dawne seemed to be bringing out these new feelings.
But when he saw the gutter give way and her tumble inside, he couldn’t pump his wings fast enough. He got to the window and skidded to a halt just outside.
“What are you doing Chaos?” He asked himself.
“Lucifer would have my head for this...messing around with the natural order of things. That’s a crime punishable by death...or worse.” He ran a hand over his face, annoyed with himself.
He peered in the window, Dawne was sprawled on the floor hands bleeding. Every fiber in his body itched to go in there and help but he remained frozen. She turned quickly and ran to the window causing Chaos to flounder out of sight.
His advanced hearing made his ears perk forwards when he heard footsteps climbing the stairs. Dawne heard them too and stood frozen in place.
“Move.” Chaos whispered frantically. “Move stupid girl!” He clawed at his hair feeling utterly helpless. A rough hand jiggled the door handle and Chaos stretched his wings to their full potential. Gathering wind in front of his wings he pushed them forwards flapping frantically, sending huge gusts of air into the room.
The man and Dawne were disorientated while he flew into the room. He knew he wouldn’t have enough time to fly her out so he pulled a near by shadow around them. The man would be too drunk to notice the strange overt darkness.
Then finally Dawne turned around and stared at him. He watched her eyes roam all over his body, taking an extra long time running her eyes over his facial features. He couldn’t help but draw his shoulders back, puff up his chest and slowly unfurl his wings.
“What are you?” She whispered eyes flashing with fright.
“Shh.” Chaos breathed and closed the distance between them. “I will help you but you must remain silent.” She tried to take a step away from him but he swiftly caught her arm. “If you move much more I will not be able to protect you.” His voice was low and quick.
Dawne furrowed her brow, clearly not the trusting type but surprisingly she gave a curt nod. “Be very still and do not scream.” He watched her lips part ready to question him but he held a finger up to his lips- miming silence.
Swiftly he tucked an arm under her legs and swooped her up into his arms. She was incredibly light and warm against his body, making him shiver with this new found sensation. He paused a moment more watching the fat woman leave the room to spar with her husband elsewhere.
Chaos headed to the window and climbed to the edge with ease. A small frightened gasp escaped Dawne’s lips as he jumped straight out. He had to stretch his wings out wide cupping the air beneath them so it was not so bumpy for her. He took a moment to draw his wings up and down in place, getting used to the new weight then took off.
He dared a glance down at the bundle in his arms and noticed her eyes were shut tight. He tightened his grip around her, drawing her closer to his body as he angled downwards towards a rooftop. Dawne grabbed a handful of his shirt at the sudden change in altitude.
“You can open your eyes.” He drawled looking down at her face as his feet touched shingles. Her fingers unfurled slowly releasing his shirt and her eyes fluttered open. Cautiously he set her on her feet but didn’t let go because all color was drained from her face.
Her eyes darted to their surroundings, his face, wings, sky, back to his wings and once more at the sky. He watched the realization sink in slowly and then she slapped his hand away throwing him completely off guard.
“Is that any way to treat the man who just saved your life?” He placed his hands on his hips angrily.
“Man?! Ha! You are no man!” Her voice was hard yet laced with hints of fear.
“Perhaps not completely a man....” He brushed off the remark eager to question her stupidity “What were you thinking going into that house?!”
“What right do you have to ask me that?” She drew back in disgust. “What are you one of Yahweh’s angels come to punish me for thievery?” She spat.
Chaos let out a deep dark chuckle “No...not in the least bit...” He couldn’t keep the bitterness out of his voice.
Dawne noted the bitterness in his voice which puzzled her. “You are not an angel yet you have wings?” She lifted a misbelieving eyebrow in his direction.
“Some believe us all to be creatures of Yahweh...but no, I am of a different breed.” He flashed her a toothy grin.
She was about to question him further when he stepped away from a shadow and into the direct moonlight. His wings rose and stretched out to their full potential. The feathers were all slender, long and had a slight curl to them. They were an off white and had gray and black speckles all over them, almost as if they were dirty. The longest feather, one on each wing, was tipped with a rich black...that’s when it hit her. She knew enough about Yahweh and his stories to figure it out.
“You are a fallen angel!” She exclaimed at last.
“At your service.” He bowed mockingly.
“You are bitter about it, why?” Dawne watched as he blinked a couple of times.
“You know nothing about me.” He spat, all playfulness gone instantly.
“Yet you seem to know quite a few things about me.” She titled her head up trying to appear strong but truth was she was terrified. Why would a fallen angel know so much about her? Was he here to kill her? ...If he was why would he save her?
“I watch you from time to time." He shrugged. "I have some questions for you.”
“You seem to know a great deal already! What else can’t you possibly know? And no I have some questions for you, angel filth! Why did you save me?” She was gaining momentum and her fear was slipping away.
“Why should I answer you if you will not answer my questions?!” He threw his arms up to the heavens in frustration.
“I will not answer you until you answer me.” Dawne felt like a child in a surreal situation. Standing atop a rooftop arguing with a dangerous fallen angel.
“You are impossible!” He stared at her in disbelief “Are all mortals this infuriating?” Dawne pursed her lips in annoyance.
“Fine. You may ask the questions first.” He rolled his eyes as he took a seat on the shingles.
Triumphantly Dawne took a seat across from him. “Why did you save me?”
The man looked away from her “Next question.”

FantasyChaos a winged god of death is bound by duty when he must travel to the land of the living to strip the life away of an ailing man. Upon completing his task he is enchanted by the mortal thief Dawne who is an expert in cheating death its self. Can l...