Chapter 6
It had been a few months since Chaos had his first encounter with girl called Dawne. At first he tried to forget about her but some how they always seemed to cross paths. He would be collecting souls and notice her leaping over rooftops or stealing into a window somewhere.
After a while he stopped pretending to avoid her and instead let his curiosity get the better of him. Every night he took wing and searched for her tainted aura. It was curious how close he felt with her and yet they had never met. He spent whole nights watching the experienced thief creep into a house and steal jewels from a room that was occupied.
He kept thinking "one of these days she would get caught, she had too." Each week she became more reckless, she even went as far as leaving her hood down. Her fiery hair was more than noticeable even in the moonlight. Angrily Chaos had moved the wind around so that it would blow her hood up. She ended up cursing the wind and tucking it beneath her blouse.
Why he helped her, he did not know. Perhaps it’s mere boredom and curiosity that makes me follow her around he thought to himself. But he knew better than that. Chaos watched her on days where she went hungry, curling up into a ball holding her grumbling stomach. He watched as she would cry bitter tears staring at the moon.
“Curious” He would always say blandly after an hour of watching her. That was all he seemed to feel: curiosity.
He learned she often went out during the day time and since he was only half fallen angel he joined her. His faint outline was visible in the light of day so he stuck to the skies, hovering just out of eye sight.
Today Dawne was making her way to the market to sell her latest stolen items. Chaos faced her, flying backwards with slow wing beats so that he could observe.
She had donned her usual apparel, tight fitting breeches, tall sturdy boots, a fitted blouse and her heavy winter cloak that concealed her body perfectly. Most women who caught a glance would stare at her with disgust, commenting on the masculine clothes she wore.
Her face was round with high almost exotic cheekbones and a determined point to her chin. Her full ruby lips seemed always pursed tightly and eyes of the lightest possible green darted every which way.
Chaos found great pleasure in watching expressions flicker across her expressive eyes. A stranger would think she felt nothing at all but he became accustom to the slight facial cues. He was able to sum up that she was quite an emotional mortal when her hard mask was removed or when you really stopped to pay attention.
A gust of wind rushed under his wings bringing him to a higher altitude. He pumped his wings hard a few more times so that he could have a complete aerial view. After a few minutes he began to get bored and was about to leave when a tendril of light caught his eye. It was coming from where Dawne was standing.
Angling his wings he sliced through the air coming to a halt mere feet above the stall. A light purple tendril of light was wrapped around a locket and was slowly wrapping itself around Dawne’s body. There was no menace in the air that Chaos could feel but he was also quite far away. That being said he still felt extremely weary.
Dawne’s eyes flashed with determination and an angry tone was detectable in her voice even if he couldn’t make out what she was saying. She turned abruptly and he followed quickly, keeping his eyes on her face.
“Seraphina” The name sounded above the crowd clear as a bell and Chaos watched as an etherial mist left Dawne’s mouth.
“Seraphina” the air around him whispered the name over and over.
A shockwave of power sent Chaos careening to the ground, luckily the people of the market had their attention on Dawne. Chaos righted himself and drew a shadow to him, instantly cloaking himself.
“Has she fainted?” People cried out and crowded her.
His eyes narrowed in on her crumpled form, she was grasping her head and squinting.
That locket? Her dark aura? That flash of light? Seraphina? Thoughts swirled madly about in his head as he tried to make sense of the situation.
“Yahweh save us.” Chaos exclaimed at last “She has discovered her true name.”
Not a single mortal in history had ever figured out their true name. What would the complications be? He had no idea. On top of that this woman has the aura of a fallen angel... yet she does not seem to realize it. What power might she possess now, if she didn't have any power already?
Dare he ask his father about it?
No. He decided at last.
He would have to confront her himself, if he didn’t learn her abilities as quickly as possible he would have to consider her a threat. As such Lucifer would most likely want her dead...
Hey guys let me know what you are thinking! I hope it's not too boring or too drawn out or too complex!
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FantasyChaos a winged god of death is bound by duty when he must travel to the land of the living to strip the life away of an ailing man. Upon completing his task he is enchanted by the mortal thief Dawne who is an expert in cheating death its self. Can l...