Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Dawne touched her neck tentatively in curiosity then realization lit her eyes. She pulled the chain and locket out from her blouse to examine closer. “You mean...” 

“Yes, your true name is Seraphina.” Chaos paused a moment “Meaning angel of Yahweh in the True Language.” How ironic Chaos thought.

“Seraphina?” Dawne whispered flicking open the locket. When the name left her lips her aura pulsed with power and the air around them turned static. 

“Its root word is just as important...“seraphim”, meaning fiery winged.” Chaos didn’t know this off hand but the moment he saw her in the market he went home and researched. Luckily his father seemed to have a thing about books and one particularly old weathered book held the answers. “Seraphim were the most powerful order of angels that surrounded the throne of Yahweh. They’ve been said to have six wings each and hold unspeakable power.” 

Dawne just stared at him blankly. “It’s a very prestigious name, Dawne...”  He was hoping for some sort of reaction that included...emotion. 

“How do you know it is my True Name though? I-” 

Chaos cut her off “I know cause I can feel it, cant you feel it?” She looked down at her fidgeting hands. “Don’t you feel the truth on your lips, doesn’t it feel right?” 

“It feels like fire on my lips.” She flickered a glance at him and looked away as a slight blush crept into her cheeks. Curious. 

“But it is not my locket! I purchased it from a street vendor how can this be?” 

“I do not know.” He shook his head. “But I don’t like it. It must have been planted for you to find.” 

“No.”  Dawne shook her head “Breven- the man I purchased it from said he had the piece for years.” 

“Hmm.” Chaos vaguely said while deep in thought. 

“So what does this mean? Me being the only mortal to know my true name.” 

“I have heard it means you might gain a considerable amount of power but it’s unknown since it has never happened.” Adding on the fact that she was half fallen angel she would have unspeakable powers but he kept that fact to himself. 

“What I do know is that you have the ability to see auras and obviously you can see me.” 

“So I can see all angels now?” Dawne returned the locket to inside her blouse. 

“Angels are not invisible to mortals but they can choose to be...that being said when they are trying to hide from human eyes you might be able to see them. Fallen angels are not to be seen so there usually is no way around that...” 

“So I am the only one...” She posed it as a half question half statement. 

“Yes.” He glanced skywards and noticed it was getting dark. A breeze fluttered through his outstretched wings and he was beginning to feel temperature again as the sun went down. 

“It’s getting dark.” Dawne said quietly. 

He stared at her for a moment drinking in this moment. She was normally swathed in heavy corse fabrics with her hair and features hidden. Always so hidden from the world physically and mentally. 

But at this moment she was resting against a tree totally at ease in his presence. Short pieces of silken hair curled about her face and a loose braid hardly held it in place. Her complexion was surprisingly creamy and fair, with those incredibly light green eyes...she was a sight to behold.  

“What is it like?” She asked suddenly. 


“What is it have wings?” It was such a timid question, he wanted her to repeat it just so he could hear her soft tone. 

“Well...I don’t know. I’ve had then my whole life.” He fluttered them about his body noticing he felt the weight of them again, looking up sure enough the moon was slowly rising. “I don’t know what it’s like not to have them.” 

Her eyes were locked on the silky feathers and he scooted closer to her bringing them forwards slightly. “You can touch them if you want...” He noticed her hand was outstretched curiously.

“You don’t mind? It will not hurt” She asked staring straight into his eyes. 

“No one has ever touched them before, I don’t know how it will feel...” His breathing quickened as her fingers drew closer. 

Slowly an outstretched finger brushed his left wing. She flicked a glance at his face and he smiled at her, letting her know it did not hurt. 

With a bit more hesitation Dawne stuck her fingers in the soft down feathers. “They’re so soft!” She exclaimed and wiggled her fingers to and fro. 

The sensation was overwhelming and he shivered uncontrollably.

“I’m sorry!” Dawne pulled her hand away noticing his eyes were closed. 

“No, no. You didn’t hurt me.” He said quickly feeling embarrassed himself “It was actually...quite pleasant.” 

Dawne looked away and blushed brightly beneath the moonlight. 

Chaos let out rolling chuckle “What a strange day it has been.” 

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