Chapter 4
“Why does Yahweh want me to have a bracelet?”
Forcas, settled into a sitting position and pulled his large wings in closer to his body.
“It is not for me to question.” He answered tonelessly.
Dawne took the thin chain that dangled limply from his fingers. It felt so thin and delicate, like if she were to bend it one way it would snap.
“Does...does it do anything?”
Forcas let out warm laughter that had Dawne’s lips twitching upwards in a smile.
“Yes,” His voice had a slight accent now that she listened closer. “it will conceal you.”
“I’ll be invisible?” Dawne’s eyes lit with a past childhood longing that she couldn’t suppress.
“It will conceal the part about you...that makes you dangerous.”
“Dangerous?” Dawne laughed disbelieving.
“Your aura.”
Dawne sat there a moment then couldn’t help but turn sharply to the left and right, looking fiercely over her shoulders.
“One can not see their own aura, Dawne.” He spoke patiently.
“What...what does my aura look like?”
Forcas blinked, and Dawne marveled at the act realizing he hadn’t blinked this whole time.
“You do not know?
“No, clearly!” Dawne’s patients was wearing thin, she felt like she was being taught by a tutor. The way Forcas patiently answered her questions and kept completely calm unnerved her.
“I am not sure it is for me to tell. That is, many must know and have not told you. Perhaps they have not told you for a reason.”
“Please, what good is keeping a secret that everyone else can see plain as day but myself?!”
“I fear the information may be a danger if you posses it.” Forcas stood up and pulled his wings behind him.
Dawne reached out a hand and grasped Forcas’s wrist, his skin was just as smooth as she imagined. And as she drew in close, she could sense a slight sweet smell to it.
Forcas’s calm exterior wavered and he swallowed deeply avoiding her gaze.
“Your aura is dark, Dawne.”
“Dark?” She released his wrist.
“As in... not as bright as yours?”
Forcas made his way to the window and effortlessly pulled it open.
“No, it is black.”
And with that he jumped out into the air and promptly disappeared.

FantasyChaos a winged god of death is bound by duty when he must travel to the land of the living to strip the life away of an ailing man. Upon completing his task he is enchanted by the mortal thief Dawne who is an expert in cheating death its self. Can l...