Chapter 38
“Hey Dawne!”
A hand gripped her shoulder and she continued walking.
William moved in front of her and blocked the way placing both hands upon her shoulders.
“I lost you in the crowd that day, I looked for you for days. Where-” He cut off.
“What’s wrong Dawne?” She looked past him feeling empty. She didn’t know what was wrong with her, she felt strange since Chaos left that night.
“Are you alright?” He bent his knees a bit so he could look into her eyes.
“I think so.” She mumbled void of emotion.
“I’m just tired, excuse me. I must go.” Dawne pried his hands away and continued down the road.
One foot after another, her feet felt heavy. Her whole body felt heavy and just human. There was no other way to describe it. Her eyes felt heavy yet she was not tired.
But she closed her eyes anyways and let her feet stomp across the dirt road. Right, left, right, left. Her foot steps were making a different sound now, more of a clomp. She must have reached the cobble stone street.
Her mind was empty and she was somehow navigating the streets with her eyes closed. Black smoke swirled in front of her closed lids.
Someone called out her name and she fought to open her eyes. They wouldn’t open! She struggled some more and attempted to bring her hands up to her face but they were locked at her sides.
HELP! Her mind screamed but her lips did not move.
Instead her feet moved forwards at a faster pace.
“It’s alright. I’m just tired.” The words swirled about in her mind calming her.
No! Dawne thought frantically, those aren’t my thoughts! I’m not tired!
“It’s alright. I’m just tired.” The calm was soothing her now, numbing any panic.
Dawne made one last weak attempt at opening her eyes before she lost consciousness completely.
“It’s alright. You’re just tired.”
“Williammmmm” A familiar overly flirtatious voice filtered over to him.
He turned and watched mesmerized as the voluptuous woman made her way over to him. Her hips swayed tantrically and a suggestive amount of leg was visible through the thin red gown’s slit up the side.
She ran a finger along his jawline and pressed her heaving breasts against his currently slim chest.
“Lilith. You know you’re not supposed to be here.” He mumbled under his breath knowing the rest of the world couldn't see the woman before him.
“You’re so unsightly in that disguise.” She pouted full lips at him.
“Lucifer would be upset.”
Lilith paused and turned flaming yellow almond eyes at him.
“Oh no, I think he would be upset with you! You almost broke the enchantment just as soon as you cast it!” He turned his head lazily away from her.
Lilith grabbed his face roughly, digging her long nails into his flesh. “Stick to the plan, Balan!”
“I know.” Balan glanced around then quickly pulled off the golden ring on his right hand causing his disguise to fade away.
He bent and placed a kiss on the top of Lilith’s head. “Let’s go.”

FantasyChaos a winged god of death is bound by duty when he must travel to the land of the living to strip the life away of an ailing man. Upon completing his task he is enchanted by the mortal thief Dawne who is an expert in cheating death its self. Can l...