Chapter 17
Dawne stared at her self in the mirror while braiding her hair. Normally it was long , smooth and had a slight wave to it but when she went out on windy days like today....there was no hope. The wind had whipped the silken strands into cruel knots and tangles.
So she braided it away from her face. Her usual creamy complexion looked a little sickly and tired. She had not been getting very much sleep lately. Instead she spent her nights lying awake on her mattress staring at the ceiling and thinking. More often than she would have liked her thoughts strayed towards Chaos.
He was so infuriating but she wanted to speak to him again, wanted to know more about him. Her thoughts brushed up against the moment when he kissed her. She had stood there like an idiot staring up at him in shock.
Long ago when she still lived in a wealthy house hold, a boy at the ball had attempted a similar thing. Just a quick peck and then flashed a mischievous smile, she had returned his flirtatious advances for the mere fun of it. A flutter of eyelashes here, a faint knowing smile there...but that was the old Dawne.
She sighed in remembrance and fastened a deep green cloak about her shoulders. Today she was not going to steal, she had already collected enough for two weeks yesterday. Dawne had so much nervous energy, thinking about when she would see him again that she spent hours looting small items from houses.
Sitting on her lone mattress in an empty room of her fathers house was proving to be a bad idea. She had no idea why she kept the house, kept paying the taxes on it. Leaving just didn’t seem like an option, so she stayed.
Too many memories...she decided as she made her way out into the street. She just walked and walked with no real destination, turning down endless twisting and turning streets. It was almost like she was trying to get lost but it was hopeless. She could navigate this city and the next in complete darkness. So it didn’t seem much of a challenge in the broad day light.
Dawne rounded a street corner and stood waiting for a carriage to pass so she might resume her pace. Suddenly the shadow on her right side began to shrink and creep back to the house from which it was cast. Curiously she looked skywards thinking it was the a cloud covering the sun.
“Nope just me.” The voice caused Dawne to gasp and jump.
She turned to see Chaos or at least what seemed to be an outline of him. It was as if his transparency was reduced by half. She could still see the features of his face and the textures of his wings but she could see the house through him.
“Quick hide someone will see you!” Dawne thrust her hands forwards intent on pushing him back into the shadow but they just traveled right through him.
“That feels strange.” Chaos furrowed his brow and looked down at his midsection.
“What’s happening?” Dawne frantically pulled away and surveyed the busy street.
“I would suggest not talking to me directly right now, other people can’t see me.” Chaos’s lips tugged upwards trying to hold back a smile.
Dawne watched as a woman hurried past her telling her child not to make eye contact with the “crazy woman.”
“Why can I see you then?” She turned throwing her hood up and hissing through her teeth.
“Because you know your true name.”
“...I know what?”

FantasyChaos a winged god of death is bound by duty when he must travel to the land of the living to strip the life away of an ailing man. Upon completing his task he is enchanted by the mortal thief Dawne who is an expert in cheating death its self. Can l...