Chapter 7
Dawne slept most of the day away, she felt exhausted after the episode at Atelis’s market place. What were these lights surrounding people? She had no idea. But after she got over the initial shock she began to wonder how she could use this new found power to her advantage.
Daylight began to fade and Dawne begrudgingly lifted herself off of her old mattress. She thought about laying back down and sleeping through the night but her stomach growled, protesting the idea.
Quickly she donned her black cape, pulled on some leather riding gloves and was out the door. Just as she was about turn down the street a man hit her knocking her to the floor.
“Sorry thereee...” It was the rude man from the market place. He held a glass bottle in one hand and stumbled about laughing.
“Swine.” Dawne spat in his direction.
“Ohh hoo what do we have here?” Clumsily he fell forwards pulling her hood away from her face.
“Mmm just what I was looking for!” He licked his lips and grabbed a fist full of Dawne’s hair.
Swiftly Dawne drew back and placed two heavy blows in the mans gut causing him to let go and sputter. With the wind knocked out of him Dawne rolled to her feet and dashed around the nearest building.
“You little wench!” She heard him slur with anger as he came half running half stumbling around the corner. “I’ll teach you some manners!”
Dawne’s mind raced, knowing she must get to safety and out of sight before he caused a scene. “Found you.” The man claimed triumphantly.
Panic. She looked around and took a running start and darted up the side of the house. Her fingers connected with a window frame and she pulled herself upwards, scrambling to get out of his reach.
“Come here little spider!” The man let out a cruel laugh.
After what seemed like an hour she was able to pull herself onto the roof. Dawne collapsed against the chimney panting, heart pounding in her ears. She cursed the man and watched as he fell, got back up, took a swig of brandy and stumble back down the street.
Stealthily she followed him on rooftop, stepping carefully making sure not to make a sound. “Victory!” Dawne breathed into the air as she watched the man enter a house. Now she could punish him, he had wronged her twice on this day.
Dawne circled the house twice and to her luck there was an open window near the back. She watched as a large woman paced the floor then with a huff she left the room. Now was her chance.
She took two deep breaths and flung herself across the small gap between rooftops. Her footfalls were silent but she paused anyways to hear the noises from inside. Loud angry voices sounded inside.
“Good, angry people don’t listen” Dawne thought to herself as she sidled over the gutter. Taking a few more seconds to listen she grasped the metal gutter and swung her lower body in a wide arch. A groan came from the old metal and it gave way sending her crashing into the room. The metal had sliced both her palms open through her gloves and she knocked over a side table in her stumble.
“What in the blood hell was that?!” She heard the drunken man exclaim a little too loudly.
Dawne ran to the window, the gutter was hanging lifelessly swaying in the breeze on the side of the house. She had no way to get out, she was on the second floor and if she jumped...certain death.
The door to the room suddenly flew open revealing the cruel man, now drunkenly enraged. Wind suddenly blew through the window, like a hurricane, causing Dawne to hit the floor once more. The drunk man cried out and closed his eyes against the assault.
It died down and Dawne opened her eyes. All around her was a cloudy black mist and she rose slowly. “Duane was is it?!” A shrill woman’s voice called from the hallway.
“Blasted wind.” The man grumbled and righted the side table.
She was frozen in fear as the large woman sauntered into the room and stood inches away from her. Dawne stared right in the woman’s eyes but she looked right through her.
“What’s happening? Why cant they see me?”
“I thought I heard something!” Duane yelled and pushed his way out of the room.
“Ya you thought! Not exactly your forte you big brute!” The woman placed her hands on her hips.
Dawne opened her mouth to speak but a voice stopped her. “Shh this guise does not guard against sound.” It was a man’s voice, slightly boyish in tone but smooth.
Holding her breath Dawne turned slowly, behind her stood a man of considerable height. Deep thick black hair stood out messily all over and light gray eyes observed her with no emotion. His lips were full, almost feminine but was offset by his considerably strong jaw. He was slightly boyish but at the same time so overtly masculine.
The man straightened up as she observed him in shock. He rolled his shoulders and out from behind him rose a pair of magnificent wings. She watched as they rose slowly, the top peaks were a whole head taller than him.
They were dark and hard to see in the surrounding mist but she could hear the feathers brushing against the floor as they moved.
“What are you?” Dawne whispered in awe.

FantasyChaos a winged god of death is bound by duty when he must travel to the land of the living to strip the life away of an ailing man. Upon completing his task he is enchanted by the mortal thief Dawne who is an expert in cheating death its self. Can l...