Chapter 34
Dawne helped Chaos shimmy off the roof as soon as the sun went down. It took several minutes and between the two of them they sustained some minor cuts and bruises.
Before her feet could touch the ground Chaos came tumbling after her and they fell with a heavy thud onto the cobble stone street.
“Ouch.” She groaned opening her eyes to reveal Chaos was kneeling over her.
“Sorry.” He breathed inches away from her face.
“I wouldn’t mind the sunlight so much right now...” Dawne mumbled pushing Chaos’s shoulders back.
“I would.” Chaos grinned than grimaced in pain.
As she lifted him up his wings brushed limply against her forearms causing her to shiver and she heard Chaos let out a deep sigh.
“Here put your arm around me” Dawne offered as they righted themselves.
“Thanks” He threw one arm over her shoulder and leaned heavily on her.
They made their way down the street and Dawne began to tense as she heard people fast approaching.
“Put me down. People will see you walking funny. They might question you.” There was so much worry in his voice.
“I don’t care. We’re almost there.” Dawne clenched her jaw and strength flowed through her. She almost dared anyone to get in her way at this moment.
Finally they rounded the corner to her fathers house and made it inside the gate.
“This is your house...” Chaos whispered in the night air.
“My fathers house, yes.” Dawne felt her heart twist at the thought of him.
“Your father lived here? oh...that’s right.” It was a strange answer but she brushed it off.
Once inside the door Dawne decided against trying to get him up the narrow flight of stairs and instead deposited him in the empty front room. All the furniture was gone except for some ratty curtains hanging sadly upon the window frame.
“Here sit down.”
“Wait! Where are you going?”
Dawne half smiled at his desperate question. “I’m going to get some sheets from upstairs to make you more comfortable.”
She gathered her only pillow and two thin sheets she used on her sole mattress. Pausing she glanced around her was so empty. It looked just like how she felt, empty and bleak. That’s why she got rid of all the belongings of the first it was to sell them and get money...but in all reality it held too many memories. Dark memories of her once rich childhood.
A single warm tear raced down the side of her face and she hastily wiped it away before heading back down stairs.
“You’re sad.” Chaos’s soft voice filtered through the air.
“I can feel it in the air, it makes it heavy, hard to breath.”
Dawne took a deep breath and shook her head trying to dispel the sadness.
“Why are you sad?” She glanced over at him, he was propped up on his elbow staring at her curiously.
“I was just remembering, remembering my father...remembering my youth.” She made her way over to him, placing the pillow by his head and the thin sheets over his muscular body.
“Tell me about it, I want to know what Dawne the child was like. “ He smiled easily and threw his arms behind his head.
“You should sleep.” She responded seriously.
He sighed heavily and turned on his side to face Dawne as she sat down across from him. “I don’t think I can sleep.”
“Just for a little while, alright?” She felt like she was dealing with a small child.
“I’ll try.” He laid his head down on the pillow but kept his eyes locked on Dawne’s face.
Dawne laid down as well using her arm as a pillow, laying only a few feet apart from Chaos’s body.
She locked eyes with him, his eyes were dark gray and smoldering “Are you cold?”
“A little” She admitted.
“Here, come’s not fair for me to hog all the blankets.”
Unable to help herself she scooted across the ground now only a little more than a foot away from him.
She watched amazingly as a large dark wing rose from behind his back and came to hover over her body.
Anticipation racked her, she loved the feel of his silky feathers.
“Do you mind?” He question almost teasingly.
“No. no.” She mumbled quickly.
A single stained feather brushed her back slowly, almost agonizingly before it reached the floor. Then like a feathered down blanket extreme warmth surged through her body as he brought the wing down.
“It’s so warm!” Dawne couldn’t help but exclaim.
She heard a rumble of satisfied laughter deep in Chaos’s chest.

FantasyChaos a winged god of death is bound by duty when he must travel to the land of the living to strip the life away of an ailing man. Upon completing his task he is enchanted by the mortal thief Dawne who is an expert in cheating death its self. Can l...