Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

The smiled at each other and this time it was Dawne’s turn to break the eye contact.

“So you steal because you have to survive.” Chaos began again “But I’ve seen you steal pearls and diamonds surely you have enough to survive for a whole year, do you not?” 

“Well there are very few people who will accept “acquired” items these days and the people who do, don’t pay you a whole lot of coin for them.” Dawne paused for a moment before continuing “I’m also paying for a house and trying to pay off my fathers debts.” 

“But he has passed on. I carried his soul myself.” 

“Yes well I was under the impression he only gambled away our family fortune but apparently he promised more than we had.” It was like word vomit flowing from her mouth, uncontrollable and after she regretted it.

“Ahh. I see.” Chaos said curtly. 

“He tried very hard to make money for us, he wanted us to be wealthy and happy. But he fell ill and I couldn’t even afford to buy him the proper medicine...” Dawne swallowed hard. “I couldn’t bring myself to steal more expensive items back then...I dont know why. Now I’ll steal anything. He died because I was weak, too weak to try-” Her voice caught in her throat and she stopped as a warm tear ran down her cheek. 

A rustle of feathers and Chaos shifted slightly. All of a sudden a warmth fell over her shoulders, he had cast a wing behind her back. It felt like a warm blanket made of silk and had the aroma of crisp night air and starlight. She had to resist the urge to run her fingers through the dirty feathers. 

“You should not be so hard on yourself. Yahweh decides when people need to... move on. Wether you had the proper medicine or not does not change the outcome of his existence. It might have been a fire instead that took his life but he would have passed on regardless. Everything happens for a reason .” His voice was soft and reassuring, so surprising for such a dark creature. 

Dawne turned and stared at his chiseled features “You truly believe that?” 

“I do, to my very core.” Tentatively he lifted a finger and brushed a tear still remaining on her face. 

“He should have know that he was causing you pain, he should not have gambled away your future like that.” She turned away feeling slightly awkward at the gentle contact. 

“He was a good man though! He just had a gambling problem, everyone has their problems...their weaknesses.” 

“And what about you? What are your weaknesses?” Chaos lightened up. 

Dawne thought for a moment “My emotions.” She laughed bitterly, feeling utterly foolish. 

“Ahh the dreaded emotions” Chaos smiled sadly “My father would probably agree with you there. His motto is...”no emotion” .” Chaos deepened his voice in imitation. 

“You don’t like your father?” She could sense it instantly. 

“He’s a hard guy to like.” He let out a rumble of deep laughter. 

“Why is that?” Dawne stared at him curiously. 

Chaos turned seriously to her now. “He is Lucifer after all.” 

“What?!” She blanched and he bobbed his head up and down. 

“You’ve got to be joking...” 

“I truly wish I was.” 


Thoughts, comments, do you hate it? Do you love it? 

Some feedback would be glorious of course :p

Sorry it's shorter but hey it's the weekend haha. (I'm sure I'll put up another chapter later tonight.) 

~Miisaki <3

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