Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

“Wake up.” 

Dawne rolled to her other side and felt the rough cold wooden floor. What would the day hold for her? What time is it? The sun must be high in the sky today, it’s blaring through her window. She shut her eyes tightly against its rays. 

“Wake up.” 

The voice drew her out of her sleepy head at once and she sat up roughly. Before her knelt an angel, his skin was creamy brown and looked silken to the touch. His wings had a small pinkish tinge to them, just where the feathers met the cartilage and bone. Brown shining black hair was quaffed backwards and a stern look was painted upon his soft features. 

“Dawne-”  His voice was just as smooth as Taharial’s but not quite as musical. 

“Who are you?” She inquired, sliding away from his blinding white aura.

“Forgive me, my name is Forcas.” He bowed his head, placed one hand upon the floor and one on his heart, which seemed symbolic. 

“What can I do for you Forcas?” Dawne watched him.

“I have been asked to give you a gift.” 

Dawne squinted at him, reluctant to accept anything from an angel. 

“Why? What kind of gift?” 

“A gift of concealment.” 

Nora watched as he pulled out a thin golden chain, that had a bright blue clasp. 

“It’s a bracelet.” He reached for her hand but she drew away sharply. 

“Who asked you to give me this? Who made it?” 

“You have a lot of questions to ask of one of Yahweh’s angel’s. Do you distrust me so much?” 

The question wasn’t meant to be rude, in fact it came across as if he was hurt and genuinely curious. 

“I don’t know who to trust. But I want to trust you.” 

Forcas titled his head to the side and observed her for a moment then answered. 

“Liwet and I made it primarily, the order came from Ongkanon.” 

The names sounded foreign to Dawne but she nodded at the sure way he delivered them. 

“Why does Ongkanon want me to have it?” She crossed her arms 

“He does not, it was Gabriel who wishes you to have it and I imagine the order came from Yahweh.” 

Dawne blanched, eyes wide and skeptical. 

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