Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Chaos landed none too gracefully in the top tower window of the cathedral. He wobbled on the protruding cill and tumbled inside. Steading himself he left the open room and sauntered into the dark hall.  

The last few hours of moonlight were streaming in through the windows casting eerie shadows on the walls. His wings felt heavy and he let them trail on the floor behind him. Too much flying and too much energy spent today. 

A sharp stinging erupted in his left wing, yelping he lifted his wings high off the ground and brought them close to his body. 

“Damn.” Chaos cursed as he examined a singed feather. 

Just then the culprit crept out of the shadows. 

“Dious.” Chaos hissed through clenched teeth. 

The hellhound titled its head to the side and blinked its yellow hollows at him. 

“Watch where you excrete your molten drool! Why don’t you run off to Lucifer and do his bidding?! Unless you’re here to spy on me. You disgusting creature.”  The burning black hound barred its dark sharp teeth and the flames on his back grew. 

Bristling himself with anger Chaos pushed past the vile thing only to be stopped as he jumped in front of him. “What?! What is it?” He knew Dious was the only creature Lucifer relied on and as such he was supposed to treat him with respect. 

The hellhound let out a deep resonating bark and the necklace around Chaos’s throat grew heavier. “Oh that’s what you want.” He immediately felt scolded. Usually his father came to retrieve the necklace from him but not this late. When he came back late it was Dious’s job to collect it and bring it to him. 

Begrudgingly Chaos lifted the soul vessel over his head and held it loosely in front of him. “Here.” Dious grasped the silver chain in his jaws and tugged it roughly from his grasp. 

“Go report back to your master like a good little slave.” He spat at the hound as he brushed past him making sure to keep his wings out of reach. 

Rounding the corner he made his way to the lone bedroom at the back of the corridor. “Open” He commanded his door in the True Language. 

It swung open to reveal the dark cold room. Stone walls made for a very brisk temperature and it didn’t help that the window next to the oversized bed was wide open. Chaos preferred it that way, having nothing but a hole in the wall so he was able to fly in and out. 

He kicked off his leather boots and cherished the feeling of the rich red rug beneath his bare feet. A large four poster bed was pushed against the center of the far wall. It’s size was to compensate for the length of his wings but frankly it was no use. Either way his wings would trail over the sides of the bed and onto the cold floor. 

Chaos flopped lazily on the bed not bothering to change into his night shirt. Just as his head hit the pillow he heard his door slam open, banging roughly against the stone wall. 

“Ahh I see you are indeed back.” His fathers slow menacing voice filtered through the air. Gritting his teeth Chaos sat up and stared at the man in his door way. 

His long stick straight black hair hung about his shoulders and flowed past his hips. One sickly barren white wing was flung into the room while the other remained in the hall. 

“Tomorrow we will be having guests so I do not want you running off in the middle of the day or night.” 

“What about the souls?” He drew himself up straighter trying to appear strong and proud. 

“You can collect them once our guests have departed.” Lucifers word was final and all Chaos could do was nod. 

“Sleep well. I don’t want your exhaustion stinking up the air tomorrow.” He wafted one slender hand lazily in front of him. 

With that he turned on his heals and left the room. Once more Chaos collapsed back into the silken pillows knowing tomorrow was going to be trying. 

“Guests” meant either angels or fallen angels and Chaos prayed it was the later. 

“We shall see what tomorrow holds.” He whispered into the air and closed his eyes for some well deserved rest. 

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