Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

That wasn’t the last time she saw the blonde man either. He seemed to be following her about and every time she would go in the opposite direction. She hadn’t seen Chaos in a couple of days and it made her restless. Every time she saw the blonde man she personally blamed him for Chaos’s lack of appearance. 

Today Dawne was heading into the market to sell her recent haul. She arrived at Breven’s stall and emptied her pockets onto his table. They went about business as always until a woman stopped by. 

“Hey! That’s my ring!” She clawed the ring out of Dawne’s hand and held it up to the light. 

“It was stolen just last week! Look it’s inscribed with my name!” The woman was loud and soon a crowd surrounded them. 

“You thief! I bet all this stuff was stolen!” She cried hysterically.

“What’s going on here?” A large man stopped by and placed a hand on the woman’s shoulder. 

All Dawne could do was stand frozen in fear, she stood eyes wide staring at the crowd. “Run” her brain screamed at her “run!” 

“There you are!” The familiar voice drew her attention to someone pushing through the crowd.

“I’m so sorry ma’am!” The blonde pick pocket was at her side talking with woman. “Sister you’re at it again.”  He looked down at Dawne with panic in his eyes. 

Dawne remained frozen still and all the voices around her sounded muted. Before she knew it the blonde man had grabbed her hand and was pulling her through the streets. 

Once out of the market he whispered “Start running on my count. Can you run?” He looked down at her with clear blue eyes filled with concern. All she could do was nod. “Good. On three. One...two...three.” 

They began running, almost galloping, taking long strides and the man pulled her along. 

“Hey! After them!” A gruff voice called behind them. The blonde man tugged her through twists and turns of the city and at the last moment pulled her into a dark alley. 

He held her tightly against his chest as the mob ran by unaware of their presence. “I think they’ve gone...” His breathing was still ragged from running. 

Dawne pushed out of his embrace coming to her senses now. 

“Hey are you alright?” The man brushed a thumb under her chin and titled it upwards to meet his eyes. 

“Why did you save me?” Was all she managed to breath. 

“I can’t let harm come to a fellow thief now can I?” He smiled wide and brilliantly.

“Well. Thanks.” She shooed his hand away and was all curtness once more. 

“Are you alright Dawne? You were so shaken at the market.” His musical voice swam over her. 

“I’m fine.” She turned abruptly  but he caught her wrist. 

“At least let me take you to dinner...after I saved your life and all...” Dawne considered it a moment, she did owe this man and if she didn’t repay him in some way she would feel guilty. 

“Fine. After dinner my debt to you is repaid.” He flashed his straight white teeth at her, far too pleased at her answer. 


They ate at a local pub, it wasn’t fancy or upscale but it was the first meal Dawne had eaten in years. Not to mention it was the first meal she hadn’t stolen in years. And believe it or not the company wasn’t so bad either. 

She learned that the blonde man’s name was William and that he had been a thief most of his life. His mother was a bar maid, father unknown- so he grew up in some hard circumstances. 

“Now it’s your turn” William took a swig of ale and smiled “I’ve blabbed on long enough about myself, let’s hear about you. What makes Dawne, Dawne?” It was an innocent question but Dawne shut down immediately. 

“ not nothing. I’m nothing special, just normal. I don’t know.” She stuttered and stammered. 

“Now that’s unfair!” He cried out immediately. “You’re special! I could tell the moment I laid eyes on you!” 

She shook her head “No, don’t you shake your head at me young lady! For one you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on, two your a thief which means you must be a risk taker. Being a risk taker means you must be quick and cunning- which you are. You’ve got brains in that pretty little red head of yours. And I would say that is pretty special.” 

“That’s very kind of you to say.” In fact it was the most kind thing anyone had ever said to her. 

“But that can’t be all to you...” He prompted but Dawne remained silent. 

“One day you’ll open up to me Dawne, I promise you that.” William was annoying but at the same time so genuine and she couldn’t help but smile at his antics. 

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