Chapter 21
This Chapter is dedicated to Ben and Jerry’s Cookie Dough ice cream, for it gave me the energy to type with sticky fingers and brain full of sugar!
As always thanks for all of your support on this story!
Dont forget to comment, fan and vote!
Dawne’s mind swam back into consciousness but she kept her eyes closed. She didn’t want to face the day, didn’t want to...face last night. Of course her thoughts ran back to when she was nestled in Chaos’s arms.
She had spoken so freely to him, laughed and smiled. “What an utter fool.” She cursed. Dawne had opened herself up to him, let her walls down and now she felt naked.
What was he thinking of her now? Thinking about the foolish things she sleepily said to him. He was probably with his father Lucifer laughing about the stupid mortal, the stupid human girl.
Begrudgingly she opened her eyes and for lack of anything better to do she got dressed. She had nervous energy again, something she thought she tamed years ago.
It was a rather gloomy day, the clouds chased after the sun covering it up for long periods of time. With that it cast shadows about every which way causing Dawne to jump at any given sounds.
She walked and walked turned corners and peered into shadows waiting for him. “He’ll be hiding in the next one, I’m almost sure of it!” So she’d saunter into a shadow hands on her hips ready to denounce him...but he was no where. He wasn’t hiding in the bait shops shadow or in the tailors awning.
“What am I doing?” She chided herself at last. “Running around chasing an angel! I don’t even want to see him.” Dawne decided at last.
Just as she rounded the corner of a shadow she bumped into someone! “Ah hah! Found you at last!” She exclaimed.
“So I’ve been found! I didn’t know I was hiding” A deep almost musical laugh sounded from within the shadow. Dawne pulled away frightened as the man revealed himself in the light.
He was tall and sleek almost quick looking. He had blonde golden locks that held a slight wave and hazel eyes that appraised Dawne’s figure up and down.
“So what will you do with your catch? Boil me? Cut me open? Sell me to the bait shop?” He cast a thumb over his shoulder at the building.
“I’m...I’m sorry-” She stuttered. “I thought you were someone else. Excuse me.” Quickly she tried to side step him but he followed her movements blocking her way.
“Who are you looking for? I might be able to lend a hand, I’m quite the scout after all. I can find my way around this city with my eyes closed.” He smiled dashingly, showing off a row of perfect white teeth.
“I’m quite capable of getting around, thank you.” She scooted around him but he drew her back.
“What a pretty charm bracelet.” Dawne whipped around and saw the man had one of her “acquired” items in his hand.
“Hey that’s mine! How did you take that?!” Fishing a hand in her pocket making sure there was no holes.
“I’m quick.” He winked a brown eye at her.
Amazing. She was so aware of her belongs and self at all times, how he managed to pick-pocket her was incredible. “Give it back.” Sternly she held out her palm.
“Oh alright.” He inched the bracelet forwards and right before she clasped her fingers around it he pulled it away.
“I am not amused sir!” Anger bubbled up in her stomach as she observed his smirking face.
“I’ll give it back...on one condition. Tell me your name.” His brown eyes smoldered down at her.
“How can you make “conditions” with me when the item you are holding is rightfully mine?!” She placed her hands on her hips.
“The gemstones don’t suit you. This isn’t yours. Stolen is it?” The casualty of the question nearly blew her over.
“What?! Don’t be ridiculous. That is a present for my sister.” Lies came easily to her and she kept her eyes locked on his.
How could she get rid of this annoying man? Quickly she changed up her game plan. “Please give it back.” Coyly she glanced up at him through a rim of full lashes.
His smile widened as she moved closer and closer to him. “Really I must have it back. I spent all my weeks pay on it.” Her body was almost touching his and she flicked a sorrow struck gaze straight into his eyes.
“My dearest sister is expecting me soon with her birthday present...” Dawne talked slowly, letting each syllable drop from her full lips.
“Surely we can work...” She extended a finger and ran it slowly down the front of his brown weathered vest “...something...out” She formed the “O” carefully with her lips, pouting them slightly with lifting her head up to just barely meet his defined lips.
Just as he went to bob his head down to claim her she snatched the bracelet from his limp fingers and twirled away. Looking back she was him frozen in place, eyes wide in amazement. He looked down at his empty hand then back her at.
“I can be quick too.” She scoffed over her shoulder. “And it’s Dawne. My name is Dawne.”
Chaos watched as Dawne ran a slender finger down the blonde haired mans vest. Ever so slowly she seductively titled her head towards him offering her full lips.
His heart twisted in his chest and anger pulsed within his dark veins.
“What are you playing at stupid girl?” He hissed watching the flirtatious scene.
Chao’s fingers itched to pluck this scums soul, to watch his body fall lifelessly to the cobble stone street. But he remained unmoving hovering in the sky just out of sight.
Before the man could kiss her she twirled away, relief should have calmed the raging fires inside him but it did not. Instead he still felt bothered, concerned, anger...he didn’t know what he felt but he knew he felt murderous.
He turned abruptly and headed back to the lifeless cathedral. Chaos would return home and hopefully calm down. Then once night fell upon the gothic city he would confront Dawne.

FantasyChaos a winged god of death is bound by duty when he must travel to the land of the living to strip the life away of an ailing man. Upon completing his task he is enchanted by the mortal thief Dawne who is an expert in cheating death its self. Can l...