Chapter 41
Chaos’s heart squeezed as he heard the unearthly bark of Dious. It was a warning bark, one that was made to alert Lucifer.
Quickly Chaos shot off his bed and ran to the hallway propelled by a large flap of his wings. He flew down the hallway, bringing his wings up high then tossing them to the ground in order to get as far as he could.
He didn’t bother with the altitude so his feet just barely skimmed the ground. Just as he turned the corner an aura and change in the air made him drop roughly to the ground.
The air around him felt like and a blinding light caused his eyelids to shut tightly.
“Hello there.” A musical voice sounded above him.
Chaos glanced up right into the face of Taharial, the angel of purification.
Chaos scrambled to his feet and tried to retain any dignity of meeting such an angel while he was sprawled across the ground.
“Hello.” Chaos returned inclining his head. It was no use being extremely rude to these creatures.
“I don’t believe we’ve met!” Taharial smiled brilliantly, his blue eyes sparkling in mock pleasantry.
“I am Taharial.” He lifted his strong cleft chin and the air buzzed with the sound of his True Name.
“I know who you are.” Chaos answered swiftly lifting his chin as well.
“Splendid. And you must be-”
“Chaos.” He cut him off swiftly.
Taharial extended his hand intent on shaking but Chaos merely turned his head and continued speaking.
“What is it you want? Why have you come here?”
Taharial smirked as he withdrew his hand. “I was in town on some business and the weather is to be poor later tonight so I thought I would find a place to stay. Town’s can get in such a tizzy when a mere angel arrives, you know what I mean?”
The question was pointedly meant to be rude, he knew that mortals can not see fallen angels.
Chaos keep his face emotionless.
“Anyways, I wanted somewhere to stay away from all the hubbub and as I was flying about I sensed a weak enchantment around this cathedral.”
Another attempt at a rude blow and this time at his father.
“Yes, well do not expect to receive any hospitality or accommodations here-” At the end of his sentence Chaos felt his throat close up and pain flowed through his limbs.
“Now now, is that any way to speak to our guest?” Lucifer’s voice found them from around the corner before they spotted him.
Chaos fought against his father’s pain inflicting enchantment and instead kept his facial expression strong.
Taharial flickered a glance at Lucifer and then at Chaos no doubt seeing blatantly the purple magic strangling him.
“Lucifer! How wonderful it is to see you, how long has it been?” Taharial smiled and bowed.
“three-hundred and twenty seven years.” Lucifer answered slowly whilst grinning in a cruel way.

FantasyChaos a winged god of death is bound by duty when he must travel to the land of the living to strip the life away of an ailing man. Upon completing his task he is enchanted by the mortal thief Dawne who is an expert in cheating death its self. Can l...