Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

Balan’s words kept running through Dawne’s head as she lay upon the cold stone ground. The orb above her bobbed slightly and she cursed it. 

“Pain is mental.” She said aloud as if testing the words on her own lips would bring about some sort of revelation. 

Dawne rolled to one side and looked as far as the light allowed. Ever so slowly she inched over to the side and stuck one finger into the darkness.

Just as before a red beam of light landed upon the finger and began to grow hot. 

“Pain is mental. Pain is mental.” She closed her eyes and chanted. 

The heat traveled up her arm but seemed less intense. 

“It’s working!” 

Just as she uttered the phrase the heat traveled up into her head and her veins swam with flames. 

Dawne screamed tearing at her clothes trying to extinguish the nonexistent flames.  



Dawne floated in unconsciousness, it was almost as if she was dreaming. Almost as if she had just closed her eyelids and couldn’t open them. But she had no desire to open them. 

She was tired of fighting, the little food that Balan had brought was not enough to sustain her. 

Lucifer would either come kill her himself or would let her sit down here to rot. 

Where was Chaos? 

Tears formed behind her closed lids. 

“Chaos-”  She slipped deeper into the darkness. 


Her name being spoken softly was like a small light flickering in the dark. 


She knew that voice...that deep smooth voice.

Chaos. She smiled how nice it was to remember his voice in these last moments. 

“Dawne!”  His voice sounded panicked. 

“Seraphina!” The name was like a slap in the face, suddenly her eyes flickered open. 

Her head was being cradled in a lap and as her eyes adjusted she looked straight into the watery eyes of Chaos. 

“Dawne-” His hand came up to rest gently upon the side of her face. 

“Are you real?” Her throat felt dry as she reached up a tired hand to brush his disheveled dark hair. 

“I’m here, I’m real.” He choked as a single tear ran down his sculpted yet boyish face. 

“You’re crying.” She looked at him quizzically whipping the tear away with her thumb. 

Before her hand could fall he grasped it and held it against his cheek, closing his eyes as if reveling in the feeling. 

“You were so cold and you weren’t moving. I called out to you!” He licked his bottom lip and swallowed trying to keep composure. 

“Your aura was shrinking and your soul- it was leaving your body. You-” Chaos paused. 

“I thought I had lost you.” 

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