Chapter 31
Dawne was sitting in a local pub at mid day, she had no idea how William had convinced her to have lunch. But there they were, sitting across from each other making idle conversation when she noticed a white mist out of the corner of her eye. Curiously she turned her head to see Chaos standing there. His hair was handsomely windswept across his forehead and a loose white shirt hung limply on his muscular frame. took her breath away.
“Dawne...Dawne.” She blinked frantically and realized William was wiggling his hand in front of her face.
“S..sorry.” She stuttered glancing back to him.
“What are you looking at?” William squinted and craned his head to look behind her.
“Nothing. It was nothing.” She shook her head and turned her attention back to William.
Shakily she brought a spoon full of soup to her mouth, feeling the hair on her neck stand up.
“Dawne” He spoke her name making her shiver. “Dawne.” She didn’t dare turn around.
Ever so slowly he walked around Williams chair and stood behind him. It was still midday so Chaos was just barely an outline and she could see the harsh wooden walls right through him.
“ look like you’ve seen a ghost!” William grasped her hand on the table.
Snapping her attention back once more she couldn’t help by let out a small chuckle “No...I haven’t seen a ghost.”
William continued to ramble on but she watched Chaos with an unwavering gaze. “Hello.” His velvety voice ran over her body and it took ever fiber of her being not to respond.
“I’m sorry I’ve been gone so long.” All Dawne could do was nod slightly.
A loud ruckus began outside and it was barely noticeable in Dawne’s current state.
“What in the world is going on out there?” people were murmuring all around them.
Chaos suddenly jolted and his outline seemed to flicker. His eyes tore away from her face and glanced towards the door. His brow was furrowed and then his eyes darkened as they turned upon her.
“What’s going on?” Dawne half asked Chaos and William at the same time.
William flashed her a devilish smile “...lets go check it out...”
“But we haven’t paid yet” Dawne protested but William just winked and stood up offering his hand. She flicked a glance at Chaos who avoided eye contact.
The other people in the pub began standing up as well and filtering outside. Dawne placed her hand lightly in Williams and he pulled her outside.
Once they pushed through the crowd of people they saw what all the commotion was about. In the middle of all the people stood an...angel.
He was magnificent to say the least and his aura was blindingly white. He had golden wavy hair that flowed to his shoulders, it almost had the appearance of strands of silk. A strong jaw and cleft chin was surprisingly soft on his light pure skin. Brilliant light blue eyes regarded the crowd, he was about a head taller than every single towns person.
His wings seemed to have an aura all their own, glowing with a faint yellow light. They were giant, must have been easily five feet wide and they looked incredibly soft. The color was an intense white, having no such discoloration or spots that Chaos had. Her fingers itched to run her fingers through them but the crowd thickened.
The thought of Chaos made her glance about herself, he was no where to be found. She vaguely recognized that her hand was still grasped in Williams. A woman pushed against her roughly and she took the opportunity to slip out of his grasp.
“Dawne!” William called but she feigned that she was being pushed backwards. Once she was out of his sight she ran back into the pub.
To her relief Chaos was inside, standing frozen and his outline still curiously flickering. “Chaos” She breathed as she made her way over to him.
His expression remained blank and his eyes were shut tight.
Hello my wonderful fans!
I just wanted to say hello to all the new fans and welcome aboard! Thank you all so much for the comments and views it really means a lot to me!
Thanks for all of your support,
p.s. Comment, vote and fan <3

FantasyChaos a winged god of death is bound by duty when he must travel to the land of the living to strip the life away of an ailing man. Upon completing his task he is enchanted by the mortal thief Dawne who is an expert in cheating death its self. Can l...